First post, be gentle. I am fairly new to the scene. I have a weber 22 kettle I have been using for a few months now and have done 4 or 5 long cooks. I have a marinated flank steak recipe I have been doing as london broil in the oven for years. My wife wants me to try it on the grill. My concern is with flare ups and burning because of all the marinade and high heat. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I would put it on and close the lid for 2 minutes then repeat till desired doneness. I recommend buying grill grates and flare-ups will never be a problem.
Thought about that right after I posted but not certain enough intense heat woul get to the entire surface of the meat. I have only ever seen pics of the grill grates. Also thought about aluminum foil under the meat.
Welcome to The Pit John! I'd recommend skipping the GGs and foil. Just get the coals as hot as you can and as close to the meat as you can, then flip often. Check out this article:
I did that cook today at 3:00pm. Like the David Parrish said. Hot and fast and turn frequently. I nuked the spud in the microwave for 5 minutes and then basted it with olive oil, wrapped it in heavy duty tin foil and finished it while the flank steaks cooked. The meat is down low, 2" from the lump.
Last edited by Breadhead; June 27, 2015, 01:30 AM.
My marinade is a teriyaki. I usually leave it soak for 24 to 48 hours. When done in the oven, I throw it in all wet and sloppy. Should I somehow pat it dry before grilling? Just seems like it would flare up and burn uncontrolably.
I wouldn't blot the flavor off. The trick is to turn the meat frequently. Marinated meat cooks slower than non marinated meat. Your instinct is with all the sugar in your marinade it will burn. Flipping frequently will allow you to control how dark each side gets.
Last edited by Breadhead; June 27, 2015, 01:13 AM.