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How low can i cook a Beef Blade Roast?

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    How low can i cook a Beef Blade Roast?

    Hey everyone,

    Just got a beef blade roast which i want to cook overnight and take to work with me in the morning for a work lunch.
    It's going into my pellet grill which i can basically automate through the night but i don't want the blade to be done in 3 or 4 hours. I'd like to cook it nice and slow so that it's ready in the morning.

    It's currently 9pm here in Sydney Australia and i've put it on at a temp of 170F. Going to leave for work around 7am. The beef blade is around 3.5kg.

    What's the lowest setting i can set my pellet grill on that will actually cook it through the night? Will it cook if i set it at 180F or does it need to be 225F - 230F?

    Has anyone cooked anything under the 200F mark?

    Just looking for some pointers and experience with cooking really low.

    I will leave some time in the morning for a quick reverse sear

    Any input would be great.



    Sorry we missed your post Nick! Usually cooking at 200-225 is the minimum, since even lower will take so much longer that your meat can dry out. Really low temps is how we make jerky. If you want to cook in a low-temp atmosphere, sous vide is best for that I would say.

    What did you end up doing and how did it turn out?


      No problem at all Huskee, ended up just cooking it at normal temp due to the weather. Massive storm came through and even though it's under cover, I didn't want to risk getting the grill wet or any of the electrical components damaged. Cooked it and then stored it in the fridge and covered up the grill and went to bed. Amazingly it still tasted great the next day. We carved it up and had it on some bread rolls with mustard and slaw. Great lunch at work for a Friday

      Thanks for answering my question. That's what i thought might happen just wasn't sure. I figured it would dry out because when i make my beef Jerky it's on 170 - 175 and it has that affect. Just wasn't sure if the roast would be any different.

      I hear and read stories from some people who cook things on really low for over 18 hours sometimes and i just can't figure out what they are doing to cook for so long...



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