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Short Ribs Cook Time

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    Short Ribs Cook Time

    I got some Short Ribs that are abut 6 inches long and a little over 2 inches thick. Each one is about a 1.25 pounds. In meatheads recipe for Texas short ribs he says it will take about 10 hours for a 2 inch thick rib at 225 degrees but he doesn't mention how many pounds so I am not sure if he is talking about a whole rack or not. I only have 5 pounds worth cut individual(4 ribs) so will it still take 10 hours? I want them for dinner tomorrow night, not lunch.

    Last edited by JPSurf; September 6, 2014, 09:05 AM.

    The time should be the same, whether one rack or ten. What signifies cook time is typically the thickness of the meat, not the total weight or volume that you're cooking. Now, if you loaded your cooker up with eighty pounds of ribs that might be a different story, since that would affect your cooker's heat and airflow, etc.


      From David on the main site referring to boneless short ribs

      At 225 they'll cook in 6 to 8 hours if they are similar to the ones my butcher sells which are about 2" thick. Let us know how it goes! I cook mine to 185F then put them in a covered pan to braise until they hit 203F and I get RAVE reviews every time


        Jim, to add to this I thought I'd post Meathead's words here. They're from this page

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          Thanks guy's. I actually thought about brasing them at the end of the smoke but being a newbie to the pit I want to go all the way in the pit the first time. Aaron, I did read that and kinda forgot about it but will keep it in mind. Thanks for the reminder. Since the meat in these are so thick do you think I can leave a meat probe from my Maverick in the entire time or will it end up being to close to the bone after the shrinkage?


            I've never cooked short ribs, only beef back ribs. From what iunderstand short ribs have even thicker meat. Regardless yes, I would leave your probes in to monitor, a luxury we don't get with pork ribs...not that we need it there. Beef ribs din't have a bend test though, we need a temp and a hold, like brisket.


              How'd they turn out?


                Mr Pit boss, I will let you know tomorrow. They have been dry brining while I was working today. About ready to hit them with a rub before bed time. I know the rub will not penetrate like the salt but the what the heck. Less to do in the morning.


                  And I was worried that I might be eating these for lunch. Almost 8.5 hours and they are sitting at 180. Good call Aron. The meat is done when its done and not when I want it to be done.


                    Ok, the meat turned out fantastic. The bark was tasty with a little kick from the spice. The meat was tender, moist, nice hint of smoke and a great after taste. Made a pot of beans for the side dish. Had some left over pull pork in the freezer from a smoke a couple of weeks ago so I thawed it out toss some in the beans at the end. That by itself was a meal.
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                      Looks good to me. I'm curious, did you cut them up or were they cut up before you bought them? I've been doing racks of short ribs lately and they turn out fantastic. Missing the rub on one side is a bit of a bummer, but not the end of the world. The only downfall has been it's hard to get a bite top to bottom because they thicken while cooking going from 2" thick to 3" (they shrink on the X and Y axis and grow on the Z).


                        Looks great, that beans & pork thing looks awesome too. That seems like it'd be a great cold weather food, like say in the hunting blind or ice fishing.


                          Christobol, They were so thick I had the butcher cut them into singles so I could get the bark to form on all three sides, turned out to be a good call. Aaron, I will soon be doing another porkbutt and freezing most of the pulled pork so I can take the pork and beans with me on those cold cold cold steelhead fishing trips.


                          • Christobol
                            Christobol commented
                            Editing a comment
                            I agree, that is a great call for the extra bark, I found the bark was lacking when I cooked mine whole.


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