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Next Project: Ribeye's for 225! Plus chicken and brisket

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    Next Project: Ribeye's for 225! Plus chicken and brisket

    Well, my dentist and long-time friend, his daughter is getting married. And the groom likes Ribeyes! He's off on the right foot already. They are expecting at least 225 guests, and it's taking place at this farm about 3 hours away. No problem, right?

    I bought the GrillMeister, the 24"x48" Charcoal Grill from Pitmaker to take on this task. My plan is to warm up the Ribeyes in the #WhoDat1 and finish them off on a super-hot grill on the GrillMeister. They were thinking 3/4 inch steaks. I cringe thinking about serving Ribeye's that thin. But, there are budgets to consider and all.

    This all requires practice, as you know, and with the wedding only 2 weeks away, I headed off to Sams and bought a whole Ribeye. She's pretty!Click image for larger version

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    I trimmed off the fat on the flip side, and put it to rendering to make a proper Beef Love. Then I got to cutting. I went from about 3/4 inch to about 1 inch, and invited a couple over we've been friends with forever.
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    Salt and Pepper! I've found my guests will sometimes say my steaks or chops are too peppery if I use the course grind from Penzey's. I, however, never think there is too much pepper! Nevertheless, I'm toning down the pepper this time.
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    I cleaned off a rack in #WhoDat1 really well, got her all fired up on straight charcoal. It takes 60-120 minutes to get the smoke nice and clean on her. I got that done early. I put the steaks on and warmed them up to about 110 degrees. A few of them were at 115.

    I put a bunch of hot coals on the GrillMeister, and put the steaks on. Man, IT WAS HOT putting my face in that sucker! I'm going to bring a face shield, like a clear grinding sheild, on wedding day. Putting my face up to that grill for an hour at a full on fire sounds like it would not be smart.

    Sorry I didn't get more pics of the grill action. I could not see, so I had to hold the light with one hand, and move steaks and check temp with the Thermopen with the other hand. That's not as easy as it sounds, lol.

    I pulled them from the fire at about 135, and put them in the pre-warmed Cambro. I didn't seal up the Cambro as I was putting the steaks in, and I left the lid adjar for about 15 minutes afterwards. I put a grate at the bottom of the hotel pan so that the steaks would not be sitting directly in the fabulous Au Jus.

    Let's see how it all worked out. Here's the about 1 inch one.
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    And, remarkably, the 3/4 one looks great and was still great to eat. Not as good as the thicker one, mind you...
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    The father of the bride could not come today to do the taste testing, but we'll have him nice and fed tomorrow about 6:30 pm. I'm hoping he'll like the thicker one so much that we'll go with 1 inch!

    Oh, and it's Sunday, and the Saints are playing, so, of course #WhoDatRibs were in the works! On the stickburner. Oh Yeah! St. Louis Spares with Cherry Rub (I was out of MD), and the skinny Beef Ribs with BBBR.
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    Tomorrow, I'll see if I can get some cool nighttime flames on the Grillmeister pics!

    This is going to be work, and fun!
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    I'm too hungry to look at this now. I'll come back later.


      Man I thought it was a misprint and it should have read "Ribeyes at 225" I thought you were low and slowin' a little bit of protein. Saints defense stinks!!!!

      You should really clean up those roasts.
      Last edited by Jerod Broussard; November 8, 2015, 09:45 PM.


      • Baker Dan
        Baker Dan commented
        Editing a comment
        Wow that was cool. Thanks!

      • PaulstheRibList
        PaulstheRibList commented
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        I want the background music whenever I'm trimming meat. Oh, and I love how it skips ahead to when you are about finished!

        OK, Is that dust something that "glues" the proteins back together after you trimmed and separated them?

        That looks way cool!

      PaulstheRibList, Man do those Ribeye's Great! 👍👍👍👍👍. I think the Idea of Face Shield is a good One! You are going to be busier than a One Armed Paper Hanger getting those Steaks turned and Plated! You won't have time to wipe Smoke from your Eyes! Sounds Like Fun. 👍👍🍻👍👍. Dan


        Awesome, the 3/4 inch isn't gonna be the sad part, the sad part will be how many you are going to have to cook med-well or outright well done.


        • PaulstheRibList
          PaulstheRibList commented
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          Well, we are not cooking to order, I'm just cooking them all to Chef's temp, and the thinner ones will be a little less Pink, I'm guessing.

          I'll have chicken thighs for those who have been mis-trained on how to eat a steak.

        Well, more practice tonight. The bride's parents could come over, so I make steaks from 1/2" to 1 1/2" thick for them to sample.
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        I love how #BrisketSword makes her way into all my pictures...

        Brought them up to 105-110 in #WhoDat1, no problem.

        Then I put 2 full chimney's of blazing Lump into Grillmeister...
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        Working the Thermopen, baby!!!

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        That fire is Hot, so I'm leaning back to escape from the heat!
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        And my favorite picture of the night...FIRE!!! That grease flare was captured at just the right moment.

        I'm totally going to need better gloves and a longer spactula. My index finger was super hot, after searing a whole 6 steaks.

        They loved them!


          Well, It's telling me "Invalid File" when i am trying to upload beautiful pictures of Full-Length Bone-In Beef Short Ribs, weighing nearly 2 pounds each.

          It's nearly criminal not to share with my Pitmaster Peeps these beauties!!!!

          @PitBoss, is this just a problem for me?


            PaulstheRibList Try this easy shortcut- bring up the picture(s) on your screen, then make a screencap of it. Save it as its own file, then re-upload that "new" picture. I get that occasionally and this method has worked for me.


              Cook went great! Super tiring. Still having a few probs uploading pictures, so I'll give you friends of mine a run through it when I get that figured out.


              • Powersmoke_80
                Powersmoke_80 commented
                Editing a comment
                Your the man, Glad to hear all went well and looking forward to your awesome pictures to come.

              • Danjohnston949
                Danjohnston949 commented
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                PaulstheRibList, Congratulations on a Successful Job Well Done! 👍👍🦃👍👍, Dan


              What great work, and fantabulous looking steaks!!!

              ​Good job, PaulstheRibList !!


                Well, my Picture Power is back up here at the Pit, so I can't wait to share the big Ribeye project with you guys!

                I bought a new, significantly larger utility trailer, 20 foot by 83 inches, with higher 24 inch sides and pipe rail, and dual axles. We are loaded for bear and headed to Amite, Louisiana, with 3 big coolers full of meat!
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                It's a cool place we arrived at after dark, a really cool barn on a farm for retreats, and weddings! This Zebra greeted us as we got oriented for the night.
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                Step 1: Prep and start cooking a case of Choice+, Full Size, Bone-In Beef Short Ribs! Take a look as these bad boys:
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                Um...I'm thinking there are good things in our future...
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                And they are on the pit, loaded up with B3R (aka Big Bad Beef Rub). And Sam and I are off to get some sleep, around midnight.
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                Up early and off to work! But, first things first, a little Bible Action in the middle of this huge Strawberry Farm. It was pretty, but I was too busy, apparently, to get more pics.
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                Here are those ribs about 7 hours later. Ok, honestly, I don't remember when it was exactly when we took them off, maybe it was 8 hours, lol. Aren't they pretty!!!
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                Sam is pulling them. The Father of the Bride and a couple others came by and we gave them samples. They LOVED THEM!Click image for larger version

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                I wanted a bite!!!
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                Last edited by PaulstheRibList; December 5, 2015, 09:43 PM.


                • Jerod Broussard
                  Jerod Broussard commented
                  Editing a comment
                  man dem tings are huge!!

                Now the real work began, starting with putting the 225 Chicken Thighs/Drumstacks Rubbed and on to #WhoDat1. The light is shining through on this pic, declaring how Great is is God give us such delicious things to cook!

                Problem, which I should have remedied at the time, but was pressed for time and thought it would work out through the meat shrinking as it heated up, is that my Faithful BBQ Apprentice put the thighs too close, overlapping a bit, and this restricted airflow, making it slower to heat up, thereby burning more fuel in its attempt to heat, and the chicken on the outsides and the left was cooking faster than the middle and right...I would not discover this until it was too late. So, while some of the chicken was perfect, and we got some, "Best chicken I have ever had" comments, a good 1/3 of it was not up to par, and 1/8 of it I did not serve (overdone). I learned something about my cooker in the process, too.
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                We had 2 cases of glorious Ribeyes, all in the coolers are ready for us to slice and prep. We set up our 2 taller tables from Sams, wrapped them in plastic tops, got out the Dexter Slicer and the Brisket Sword and went to work. Steaks were weighing 12-16 ounces, depending on which hump they were on the roast. My apprentice was slicing them a little thinner than I was hoping, but it was all going to be ok. We first trimmed off the fat cap on the other side, which I kept and rendered in a cast iron skillet on the charcoal grill to make our beef love for the grill later that day.

                This pic shows the short end of the Ribeye, which is the best!!!
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                Here is a pan with a whole Ribeye roast all sliced up. Each whole rack made from 19 to 23 steaks, as memory serves. If I were to do it again, I would make sure that there were no skinny ones from my cutting team, 1 inch works great!
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                Here we are putting the Salt and Pepper on. It went fast, but there are a lot of steaks to cover!!! (FYI, I LOVE this pepper from Penzy's!!! ( I have 2 pounds of it in my prep box at all times!
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                So, the plan is to put them on to #WhoDat1 at 225 degrees, heat them up to around 110 degrees internal temp, them pull and bring over to the GrillMeister, which I will have nice and Red-Hot, and sear them off until 135 degrees.

                To keep the steak taste pure and not mix in bbq stuff and chicken from earlier, I had to Super-Clean the grates, which was no small chore. I brought them out into the grass, with a hose, brush, dawn soap and wire brush. I was breathing hard when I got that done. Click image for larger version

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                Sam is in charge of the Step 1 process putting the racks on and off of #WhoDat1.
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                I bought extra Charcoal Chimeys so we would have lots of options, and we brought 15 bags of Stubbs Brickets with us. The Father of the Bride came out a little before the Ceremony and got these pics of me on the Grill!

                Learning #1 on the Grill side: Plan for the Grease Fire, so you don't need as much charcoal on the grates. Notice I have a Face Shield. With this grill, which directs the heat to the front where you are standing, that piece of equipment is MANDITORY for big work. I had high-quality welding gloves and the biggest spatula I could find. And the New ThermaPen was always nearby.
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                This is a gorgeous pic! These early steaks, in heavy grease fire mode, did not take long to get to 135. I decided to only work 2/3 of the grate surface so that none would get overdone.
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                I learned that pulling a steak off and checking the temp away from the fire was a great way from me not burning my hand! If that glove gets too hot and starts to burn you, you have to wait.
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                Only pic I have of the finished product in a pan!
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                I got better at this as time went on, having less charcoal on the grate so the grease fires were more manageable. This pic just looks so tame compared to those blowtorches at the beginning!
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                #WhoDat1 ran out of charcoal after a while (remember how I mentioned the chicken problem earlier...well the fans running at 100% for nearly 2 hours churns through a bunch of fuel, and I didn't calculate for that). So the last 50 or so steaks I did with no warm up first. They came out great as well.
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                  We served the steaks in 2 different types: Whole and cut in half. Sam did the cutting for the halves and he said there were no gray ones in the bunch - all with that beautiful Pink! This is a pic from our test batches.
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                  After the 1st wave, we sat down...Whew!!! I was concerned for a while. My assistant got a low-energy spell as we were hitting the prime time, and I was thinking this was going to be tense! We were still cooking steaks as the ceremony wrapped up, but I finished in time and it all went great!

                  The wedding party had the rehearsal dinner at a steakhouse the night before, and the Father of the Bride said his sirloin was like a brick. HE LOVE THE FOOD! We got loads of complements!

                  When we caught our breath, we remembered the Beef Ribs in the Cambro, and cut them up for the Super Snacking Action!
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                  Well, that was a LOT OF WORK! But I had a blast, learned a ton, and served my friend! Just another day in the life of your friendly, neighborhood @BishopofBBQ
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                    Fantastic pictures! I can't imagine cooking for 225 people. My mind vapor locks when I'm told I'm cooking for 20...


                      What a marvelous adventure, PaulstheRibList ! This topic was a fun read.

                      I love the way you thought out your game plan every step of the way and did some testing up front. It sounds like it was a wonderful wedding celebration, in which you played no small part. Hearty congrats to you and Sam for a job superbly done!




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