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Short ribs on the bone.

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    Short ribs on the bone.

    Greetings Pitheads!
    I've always loved short ribs, but have never attempted them in my WSM. I just returned from my butcher who showed me two four rib slabs of short ribs that beg to be WSM'd. Any Pitters out there with a good technique for these big bad boys?
    Regards from Key West, where the weird go pro!

    Greetings Wahuwa! Love Key West, although it's been years.

    Are you set on cooking them as intact racks? They do well separated. You'll get more allover bark and seasoning and a quicker cook if you cut them into 8 individual ribs. Plan on an average of 5hrs +/- depending on their thickness, take them to 200+ with a cooking temp in the 225 range. I like to wrap mine (individually) as I would a brisket or a chuck roast after they hit that 200+ range, and leave them wrapped an hour or two, whether in a faux cambro or still on the grill at a lower temp, say 150-180. Here is my post from a couple weeks ago where I made some. There are lots of other posts here from others more talented than myself making shorties.

    There are a few varying techniques you could use, my way isn't golden. Some folks like to braise them. And you could do the above with intact slabs just plan on more cooking time. Take them to temp though, put a leave-in probe (if you have one) in a thick one. If you don't have one, spot-check with an instant read. Watch for the 200-205 range.


    Also, since this is your first post, please check out our homework assignment post for new members, it contains a few how-tos and please-dos.

    Also, it's very important that you add the domain to your email safe list in case you are ever drawn as our monthly Gold Medal Giveaway winner!

    Hope to hear & see more from you!


      Season with salt and pepper or BBBR, 225 - 250 until probe tender. Depending on the marbling, you may not need to get them to 200.
      I prefer cooking them whole and slice like brisket


        I do mine whole as well in my PBC. For sure I go to probe tender (around 203 typically) then wrap and let sit in the cambro for "a while". Then I cut them into dinosaur bones and dive in with both hands!! One of my favorite things to Q!



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