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Akaushi Chuck Roast???

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    Akaushi Chuck Roast???

    I received an Akaushi Chuck Roast from my Secret Santa, thank you Old Glory. Any suggestions on the best way to prepare and cook it? Is it something that should go to a med-rare or to a higher temp like a brisket?

    Thanks in advance - clb239

    AR says either 180 for slices or 203 for pullable.


    • DaveD
      DaveD commented
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      +1. I've done mine at 225F and those are the temps I would choose, maybe up to 190 for slicing. I like them so well I may never do a full brisket...

    Good question, I have used chuck roast to make "Poor Man's" burnt ends. If that is a help.
    Poor Man’s Burnt Ends - YouTube
    Happy grilling to you


      If you have a sous vide, then med rare is a great choice. With out it, you will want to go with one of the higher temp finishes. Without the 24-72 hour water bath, you will still have a tough hunk of meat at med rare.


        I did a chucky a few weeks ago. I wanted to pull it. I found a recipe that had me put it an aluminum pan, add beef broth and then wrap it. Wanted until it was 203ish. I’m not gonna lie, it wasn’t that good. There was some good pieces but I thought most of it was pretty dried out. Granted it was probably a choice roast that I got at the local Kroger. However I did do two Chucky‘s over the summer where I wrapped them in foil similar to how I would wrap a pork butt and it was amazing. The next time I do a chuck roast that’s how I’m gonna do that because I prefer pulled as opposed to sliced. Curious to know how this turns out.


          It's high quality chuck roast. Don't over think it. Do how you normally would. Last chuck I had I smoked to 180, SVed for 6 hours and it was very good. I was mostly just testing the SV thing though... in your shoes I'd either smoke to 180 and slice or take it to probe tender and pull.


          • Troutman
            Troutman commented
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            I've done what Rick describes but if you really want to go big or go home try SV'd at 130*F for about 28 hours instead. I like to pre-smoke to 120ish then post smoke back to 130*F. Medium rare chuck is a thing of beauty !!!

          • rickgregory
            rickgregory commented
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            I need to try that, Troutman. My old Anova was unreliable but somehow I ended up with a new one....

          I smoked mine just like a brisket. Came out good.

          Last edited by Old Glory; December 29, 2021, 06:21 PM.



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