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Beef short Ribs first time......

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    Beef short Ribs first time......

    Good evening, done lots of pork and poultry, but only dabbled in beef. Here's what I'm smoking this Thursday. Thinking dry brine with some kosher salt overnight and sprinkle on some rub couple hours ahead of smoke.

    Any suggestions are appreciated. 225 till done?

    Thanks Click image for larger version

Name:	20211221_195858.jpg
Views:	342
Size:	163.7 KB
ID:	1146072

    225° will work , but 250° to275° will get ya there quicker without any degradation to the meat.


      You are going to be happy. I think that is my favorite of all things smoked.


        I think your plan is good. My upright smoker likes 225. My Kamado doesn’t like anything below 250. Both turn out great beef ribs. The key is to keep an eye on them when they reach temp. I’ve never undercooked them but I have let them stay on too long. The difference is subtle but when you get them to temp, pull and rest, there is nothing more succulent. Let them go a bit too long, they are delicious but a bit dry.


          Two things to consider.
          1 As others have stated 250 produces a great rib and it is done quicker.
          2. I personally like to cut them into single ribs like the Texas places do. That also gives more surfaces for crust to form.

          However, any way you prepare them they are going to be great!


          • tbob4
            tbob4 commented
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            This is really good advice! I didn’t even think about recommending this but it is how I cook them.

          • 40OAKSMOKE
            40OAKSMOKE commented
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            I would agree, great idea

          • BFlynn
            BFlynn commented
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            Cutting ribs and cooking individually...... BLASPHEMY!!!

          Good plan mate, I have said it a few times now, just cook 'em 'till they jiggle.


            Brisket on a "stick" that will do the trick.
            I like the smoke, braise, set method.


              I do mine at 275. No wrap while on the smoker. When they probe like butter, I pull them and then wrap in butcher paper to rest. I preheat my kitchen oven to its lowest setting, 170 degrees, turn it OFF, and place the meat in there to rest for a couple hours. Yum.
              Last edited by Jfrosty27; December 22, 2021, 10:50 AM.


                You’re going t0 love this cook! I personally run them at 275, but, those will be excellent regardless of 225 or 275. Probe tender like butter, or as mentioned, until they jiggle! Be sure to share your cook.


                  Update on the short ribs(by my mistake I think they are riblets not actual ribs) regardless they look great, sitting 175 currently according to the Thermopop! SNS is doing its job. I think they should be ready by happy hour🤞
                  Attached Files


                  • Mr. Bones
                    Mr. Bones commented
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                    Lookin Mighty Danged Tasty; Nicely Done, Amigo!

                    An, yup...them there is Definitely RibLets.

                    (Bet they eat gooder than ****, though!)

                    Fred Sanford woulda called em "Horse Divers"

                  Oh man those look great!!


                    They are more sumptuous than brisket point.



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