Reverse Sear in 2 Steps (First step in the AM and then searing at dinner time)
Anyone try reversing searing in two extended steps (bringing the steaks up to 110/115 at low temp, letting them cool, and then searing them later in the day?
we have friends coming to dinner and trying to save some prep time so I’m not watching the steaks the whole time. Thoughts?
Yes, that works good. After the initial cook, I suggest putting the meat in a heavy plastic bag and quickly cooling it in ice water before sticking it in the fridge until show time.
Its funny you ask this... I did something similar last night but with a pastrami that refused to be done in time. It was 165 when I pulled it, put it in a plastic bag, ice water, then fridge. My plan is a little different in that I plan to put it back on smoke, just higher than I usually do. It's probably much safer and easier with steaks... if it works this is gonna be a zombie pastrami.
We use that technique at the restaurant daily.It's highly effective in the right context, especially for cuts thicker than 1/2 inch(12mm). For some things, we'll smoke the meat, roast till rare, then portion, chill, and finally cook to order. This is a place sous vide shines, but other methods work well too. Hope this helps.
Depending on the thickness of your steaks you may want to bring them back up to your SV temp after they come out of the fridge. You don’t want them to be cold in the middle after the sear.
The times I've done this, I have not had any need to pre-warm the meat before the final cook. Create a 2 zone cook, sear on the hot side to the desired appearance, and then finish cooking to the desired internal temp using the indirect/cool side. There's no reason to not prewarm if a person has a SV and wants to do this, but I don't have one and my method has worked out fine. I even cook thick steaks (2-3") from frozen and get excellent results.
Last edited by IowaGirl; September 13, 2021, 06:24 AM.