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Brisket options

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    Brisket options

    I do a BBQ for a group of 25-30 people at our RC airplane events. I am cooking out of my RV. I’ve done Pulled pork almost every time, would like to serve brisket this next time. I have a GNG Davy Crockett smoker, which could hold 2 smallish briskets, but to serve dinner around 5:00 PM, I think would need to start the night before, which I’m nervous about. Thinking of Sous vide ahead of time, then smoke for an appropriate time for dinner. I hate to experiment with expensive slab of meat, but can’t decide. Any Guidance? I see lots of different techniques for SVQ.

    Just in my opinion this is the perfect scenario to go the sous-vide route.You know you can hit your time requirements and keep 30 people happy. Search for Troutman ‘s posts on the subject and it will go smoothly. I personally go with higher a SV temperature than some. I do 155F for 36 hours.
    Last edited by Donw; September 6, 2021, 08:38 PM.


    Not Qualified to respond


    • FireMan
      FireMan commented
      Editing a comment
      Well then, why did you respond? Sorta like sayin present.
      Then again you did show a happy glass & face so that sorta gives it
      meaning, yessir. 🕶
      P.S. I’m not qualified either, to respond or give any advice!
      Last edited by FireMan; September 6, 2021, 08:51 PM.

    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
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      FireMan I don't presently Sioux-Vee-Day, as our ol pal, an my cousin Dan Johnston usedta say...
      Last edited by Mr. Bones; September 7, 2021, 05:24 PM.

    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
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      I am qualified to ditto.
      I B qualified--pair with PBR.
      Last edited by bbqLuv; September 7, 2021, 03:27 PM.

    Try cookin' a chuck roast to see how it goes - it's similar to a brisket. You could cook two and do one soo veed to compare. When done, you could either slice or pull. If slicing, you would need to take it off at a slightly lower temp and slice against the grain.


      Your situation is an example of where SVQ really shines. The briskets can be cooked in the sous vide a day or three in advance, and finished on site. Easy Peasy.


        I cook whole packers days ahead of time.
        1. Get to 203 in the flat with plenty bark (smoking at 250-260 fat cap down typically gets her barked by 185 internal)
        2. Rest at room temp until 140 internal (do not cambro or wrap with towels)
        3. Place in freezer until COLD to the touch (don't want a warm packer in a fridge), then go to fridge.
        4. On the reheat put a little water in the foil and take to 165 internal.

        Can't tell it was ever cooked ahead of time. 300 on the reheat only takes a few hours. I've held for hours after the reheat.


        • Huskee
          Huskee commented
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          I do something sorta similar, with /slightly/ different steps, but I agree, when reheated at ~300 it tastes as good as fresh.

        Guys, thanks for all the helpful tips. I’m now reconsidering some of my choices, this BBQ is Friday. I was able to find 2 small whole packets, 10 and 14 lbs. I also decided to take my Weber Smokey Mountain out of mothballs, having only used it for competition a few years back. I’ve been reading up on hot n fast methods for brisket, although I’ve never tried it, I think I can easily get these smoked for diner using this method. I think a 14 lb on the top grate of the WSM would take maybe 6-8 hrs @ 275-300°? The 10 pounder will be done sooner on the bottom grate. So debating the SVQ Vs Hot and Fast cook. What would y’all do?
        Last edited by SierraBBQGuy; September 12, 2021, 07:17 AM.


        • Donw
          Donw commented
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          Totally your choice. One way does have a lot of "I think" ‘s attached.

        Good point, way higher possibility of screwing up with Hot n Fast. No concerns with SVQ.


          I ended up doing Sous Vide, 2 briskets at 155° for 36 hrs. I was concerned they didn’t seem very tender when I took out of the SV. After 3 hours at ~300° on the WSM, it was fantastic. Many commented it was some of the best brisket they ever had! I was very pleased with the result. Many thanks for the suggestions.


          • tbob4
            tbob4 commented
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            Great job!


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