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Awesome steak reference

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    Awesome steak reference

    Just came across this on Serious Eats, really good how-to you can just pass along to those with steak questions. Covers everything from meat selection, flavors, quality to cooking. I can't find a thing wrong: it has dry brine, no room temp, reverse sear, thermometer not a poke, and good pictures all the way.
    Let me know if I missed something, but when people ask about steaks from now on this is what i'm giving them.

    ...or Lol


    • _John_
      _John_ commented
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      I agree, I think I just prefer the question and answer format, when I see a wall of text I usually skim, and at least on my screen, 1/3 of the screen is recipe, 1/3 is the product section, and a 1/3 is the other FYI section. My simple mind wanders.

    "Let your meat rest....for about 1/3 the time it took to cook."

    A 1.5" - 2" thick steak, as he recommends, could take ​an hour to reverse sear. So, Kenji says to rest it 20mins before eating? I'll use one of his quotes to rebut him on that one: "utter nonsense and we can prove it".


    • Breadhead
      Breadhead commented
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      Huskee if I'm making a bernaise sauce I'll let it rest a few minutes - tented. But I do the vinegar and terragon reduction while the steaks are on the indirect side. That way I can finish the sauce in just a few minutes.

    • Medusa
      Medusa commented
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      I agree with everyone here about "resting / smesting" steaks. 20 minutes sounds about right to clean the plate!

    • _John_
      _John_ commented
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      He says he'll discuss it, when he does he says it seems to work, but for reverse sear like he recommends there is no point in doing it.

    Y'all got it wrong, the resting time is THE time it takes to lay the steak to internal REST.


    • mackdaddy
      mackdaddy commented
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      You are a very punny fellow.

    "internal Rest" Jerod Broussard, I get it . Hahaha. That's great!

    Aaron Franklin recommends resting meat in his book and on his videos. Maybe Meathead should tap him on the shoulder and tell him the straight skinny on his findings.

    It was interesting that Kenji Lopez-Alt said that reverse-seared meat does not need to rest. From reading his comments, it's obvious that he's done testing and listened to other meat scientists and at this point still recommends resting for non-reverse seared meat. When thoughtful, careful experts like Meathead and Kenji don't agree, it's probably a pretty complex issue, seems to me.

    I find that the meat I grill rests a bit anyway while everyone is coming to the table and I'm getting everything set out just right. There's no harm in letting meat rest, right?

    Thanks for the reference, _John_ . I pre-ordered Kenji's food science book a couple of weeks back. I like the way that guy thinks through his recipes.

    Last edited by fzxdoc; August 29, 2015, 07:45 AM.


      I let meat rest on my plate. I doubt all the juice will run from the uncut portion, as the juice should have a chance to redistribute by the time it is cut and eaten. That and sticking a whole steak in your mouth at once is a bad idea for numerous reasons.


        Originally posted by Munch View Post
        That and sticking a whole steak in your mouth at once is a bad idea for numerous reasons.
        I'm trying to perfect that python move, but so far without success. it would be a kewl move for a mega-stacked burger too.

        Last edited by fzxdoc; August 29, 2015, 08:42 PM.


          I honestly don't care if a steak has been rested or not. If you're handing me a steak, I will gladly accept it. I have never once ordered a steak at restaurant and requested "please rest" or "please don't rest"....Lol, who really cares.

          Like you say fzxdoc, it 'rests' for a few minutes while everyone is washing up and seating themselves (especially if you have little kids, there's always some issue preventing everyone from just sitting down already), so there's a little rest naturally I suppose.


            I'm certainly glad they didn't rest my medium-rare steak at Applebee's....when I say medium-rare, I am referring to the 1/8" strip of medium-rare in the center.


            • Willy
              Willy commented
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              With the exception of fine (read $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) steakhouses and the odd local joint, DO NOT order a steak out. You cook it far better than they do. Especially places like Applebee's and Chili's. :«)

            Jerod Broussard Ordering steak at Applebee's is like ordering ribs at...well...Applebee's


            • Jerod Broussard
              Jerod Broussard commented
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              Yeah, but I had to compare, and I was spunt on chicken.

            • Willy
              Willy commented
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              ROFLMAO! Spot on comment!

            Lol Jerod Broussard. I think they have timers and that's it at those places. I will admit I do enjoy their bourbon street steak but it's not high quality meat that's for sure.


            • Jerod Broussard
              Jerod Broussard commented
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              That is what I got...more so for the skillet seasoning and onions and mushrooms.

            • Huskee
              Huskee commented
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              Jerod Broussard yum. I'm not a steak snob so I have no trouble ordering one of those, buuuut, if I want a really nice steak dinner, I guess I can become a steak snob because Applebees surely isn't in my top ten choices. I do love me some Applebees though. Their half priced appetizer evenings are kick butt.

            Kenji and I are good friends and I will be contributing to SE soon. We agree on many things, and only disagree slightly on resting meats. I discuss his theories in my article on resting.



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