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Why you should rest your steak.

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    Why you should rest your steak.

    I know, but me like this video.
    Why You Should Always Rest Your Steak - YouTube
    happy grilling to you

    I posted a steak the other day that rested for a good 10 mins and juices were everywhere. Did a sirloin today that also rested for as long and it juiced just as much. Both were still plenty moist so no complaints there, just cant seem to make sense of it.


      I don't deliberately rest steaks. Usually, by the time they've come off the grill to the time everybody has theirs plated and are ready to dig in 10 minutes have elapsed.


        I assume everyone has read this


          Originally posted by Stuey1515 View Post


            Jeez people. This is why you serve steak with baked potatoes. You eat the steak, then you use the potato to clean up the juice. It’s like eating a second steak.


            • Murdy
              Murdy commented
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              Or garlic bread

            • jfmorris
              jfmorris commented
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            I'm with Mosca here. I don't disagree that some more juice will escape from a steak that hasn't been rested, but I vehemently disagree that it will serve to make your steak dry, undercooked, or any less of a pleasure to eat. Also, if you don't sop up the juices with a baked potato, you can always use my method and simply lick the plate. Kind of a small treat prior to dessert. :-)
            Last edited by pkadare; May 11, 2021, 06:35 AM.


              I vote for resting at least 5 -7 min. It does a lot of things besides keeping more juice in. Doing steak compitions in the past, no one ever won by turning there's in quickly, not leting it rest.


                Why do they shoot something like this and use the footage from the camera he is not looking at.

                I don't trust anyone who can't look at you while talking.
                Last edited by HawkerXP; May 11, 2021, 10:44 AM.


                  Dr. Blonder has an interesting article on the topic here:


                    But, but, but, "he" knew that door #1 was going to taste dry & door # 2 was, well, almost like door # 3, so it probably would almost taste the same. HE definitely had his cosmos science beanie on, yessir!

                    Plus Dr. Blonder’s first name is Doc! That should tell ya everything. AR has thee science.
                    Last edited by FireMan; May 11, 2021, 02:27 PM.


                      Dude is a successful chef, so I'll assume he knows more than I do. Dr. Blonder's experiments are more rigorous, but lab results might not transfer to the real world - so I'm not declaring a winner on that score. However, there are some things that don't make sense in this video.
                      1. At 3:06 he says, "It's okay to let the let the steak actually come to room temperature, and then bring it back up, and let it rest just a little bit longer, and carve it." Huh? Sounds like leftovers to me.
                      2. At 2:10 he says that the one that rested for 10 minutes is a beautiful medium rare throughout. At 2:30 he says that on the one that didn't rest, the outer part is well done and the inner part is undercooked. But resting would not and cannot and never will "uncook" a well done portion of meat and make it medium rare. Carryover will continue cooking the center of the steak and could make it more consistent throughout, but will never uncook the well done outer portion back to medium rare.


                        So what I take away from the video is that the longer your steak rests, the more juice runs out onto the tray under the grate, so when you cut into it its all dry, but if you cut it right away there is lots of juice you can sop up with the meat, a potato, lick off the plate...


                          Am I the only one who noticed (and I’m calling a BS here), the guy somehow equates the doneness of the meat with the amount of time it rested. In other words if you let it rest longer it somehow cooks really rare from edge to edge but if you cut it right away you end up with a tough piece of meat on the edges. Again I’m tooting the BS horn on this one.


                          • glitchy
                            glitchy commented
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                            If a steak is really like a water balloon, wouldn’t cutting it immediately after it’s off the grill likely stop the cooking process resulting in a less cooked steak than resting?


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