I have questions about brisket trimmings and seasoning.
1) Brisket has fat described as yellow or white.
Are both fat trimmings OK for adding to home-ground hamburger, or should I just keep the yellow (or white?)
2) The side of the brisket where the cut was made (discolored) is typically trimmed.
Is this any good to keep for hamburgers?
3) In order to get the brisket in the smoker as early as possible, I wanted to season it with S&P the night before the cook..
The salt is likely to draw moisture out of the meat, then get re-absorbed into the meat (like dry brining), leaving just the pepper on the surface. Is there any taste or bark difference when meat is seasoned this far in advance?
1) Brisket has fat described as yellow or white.
Are both fat trimmings OK for adding to home-ground hamburger, or should I just keep the yellow (or white?)
2) The side of the brisket where the cut was made (discolored) is typically trimmed.
Is this any good to keep for hamburgers?
3) In order to get the brisket in the smoker as early as possible, I wanted to season it with S&P the night before the cook..
The salt is likely to draw moisture out of the meat, then get re-absorbed into the meat (like dry brining), leaving just the pepper on the surface. Is there any taste or bark difference when meat is seasoned this far in advance?