So a few days ago I posted about some good meat I found at a local store. Among the items was some ground beef from Double R (the branch of SRF that does choice stuff vs wagyu and prime) which was advertised as having some wagyu in the blend and some CAB Prime. Both were 80/20.
I tried some of the wagyu blend from Double R (Percentage of wagyu in the blend not specified) last week and just polished off the CAB Prime burger for lunch and...
Neither blew me away. The CAB *might* be a bit richer than the regular supermarket stuff I buy (Painted Hills) but that could be normal variation or a psychological thing. The Double R was perfectly good too, but didn't stand out as significantly better.
Now, the CAB was $4.99/lb so it's cheap enough that I could use it regularly. The Double R was $7.99 which isn't terrible but given that there's not a huge difference, eh.
Still the most distinctive burger meat I've had was from a local farm that raises all their meat truly free range and sells it at a 70/30 blend. Its stunningly good and I'd buy it all of the time aside from this... It's $18/lb.
All of that leads me to this:
Assuming a decent selection of meat, CAB, Prime etc doesnt matter. Fat content makes the difference.
I tried some of the wagyu blend from Double R (Percentage of wagyu in the blend not specified) last week and just polished off the CAB Prime burger for lunch and...
Neither blew me away. The CAB *might* be a bit richer than the regular supermarket stuff I buy (Painted Hills) but that could be normal variation or a psychological thing. The Double R was perfectly good too, but didn't stand out as significantly better.
Now, the CAB was $4.99/lb so it's cheap enough that I could use it regularly. The Double R was $7.99 which isn't terrible but given that there's not a huge difference, eh.
Still the most distinctive burger meat I've had was from a local farm that raises all their meat truly free range and sells it at a 70/30 blend. Its stunningly good and I'd buy it all of the time aside from this... It's $18/lb.
All of that leads me to this:
Assuming a decent selection of meat, CAB, Prime etc doesnt matter. Fat content makes the difference.