I soaked the beans for 24 hours one time in salted water another time in just water. cooked them around 1 hour covered and 2 hours uncovered. both times they came out a little hard. How can i get soft beans?
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how can you get dried beans terner to make baked beans
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You need to cook the much longer or put them in an Instant Pot. Growing up in New Orleans the red beans were on the stove all day.
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Murdy My mother made them every Monday in a pressure cooker with a ham bone or salt pork after soaking them.
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They do take a good while to cook - even if soaked overnight. But do keep an eye on 'em 'cause it's possible to turn them into one large bean. Don't ask me how I know this...
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I have a standard stove top pressure cooker and I put one pound dried beans in and cover with enough broth to go over the beans three inches. I get the cooker up to pressure and reduce heat to 3.5 (electric stove). I let the beans go one hour and ten minutes. Tender every time.
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jwaltz34 I’m curious, what type of beans were they? If you soaked them for 24 hours both times, salted or not shouldn’t matter. That was plenty of soaking time before cooking. Out of the hundreds of pots of beans I’ve made in my life, I have had just a very few come out a little hard. Just last month I had a pot of pintos come out a little hard, in fact I almost threw them out but didn’t.
That’s surprising they came out a little hard after such a long soak and a 3 hour cook. 99% of the time when I cook dried beans I just do the 2 minute boil and soak for one hour method. Most dried bean packages have these instructions on them, as well as the soak overnight method. Then I usually cook them for 2-3 hours. Most of the time just 2 hours. I’m no bean expert, but I’ve never bought any beans that require 4-8 hours of cooking. I googled your same question myself last month after I had a pot come out a little hard. Sometimes you might just get a stubborn or bad package of beans.
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Cook them longer and/or under pressure. If that doesn't work, assume you've just got a bad batch and replace them. One question (the answer to which could greatly affect cooking time): What's the altitude where you're cooking them?
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I soak pinto's, navy's or great northerns overnight and use baking soda and not salt. Cook to a rolling boil and then simmer for at least 3 hours.
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If you're ever in a hurry to cook dried beans, one trick I've learned is to put the beans in apot of water with a tablespoon of baking soda (that's baking soda, think arm and hammer, not baking powder) and bring it to a low simmer. After about 15-20 minutes, the beans will be not-quite-fully cooked. Then, drain and rinse the beans and finish by cooking up the beans however you want (for Boston baked, red beans and rice, etc). After about an hour or two of additional cooking, the beans will be fully tender and cooked. The beans will have a little off-flavor from the baking powder, but it's a small price to pay for forgetting to soak the night before.
It's pretty much magic. The trick is to just simmer the beans in the baking soda water. The baking soda lowers the pH in the water and that allows the water to more easily enter the beans. If you rapidly boil the beans in the baking soda, too much water enters too quickly, and the beans fall apart.
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