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Meathead Carolina Gold

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    Meathead Carolina Gold

    We should talk more about this sauce. It is damn good and addictive.

    Great with everything. Highly recommended.

    I grew up in that part of SC and am a fan of that style sauce. I don't think I've made Meathead's version yet.


      SC resident here. I like vinegar and tomato base sauce, but this to me, is unquestionably the best flavored type sauce. My wife makes it from a recipe that is 150 years old. It is called mustard gravy. Note...I do realize sauce is a very personal thing, no offense to anyone.


      • STEbbq
        STEbbq commented
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        Are you allowed to share the recipe?

      • Blues1
        Blues1 commented
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        She won't even tell me what's in it. All I know is that it has to be made with Sauer's mustard. No other brand will do (according to her and her family)

      This is one that I have not tried.


        Don't make the mistake of making it when you cook pulled pork for someone, cause you gonna have to make that sauce every single time.


        • Polarbear777
          Polarbear777 commented
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        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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        • crazytown3
          crazytown3 commented
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        I had it with chicken and pretzels so far. So amazingly good.


        • ecowper
          ecowper commented
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          On pulled pork, it’s life changing :-)

        • STEbbq
          STEbbq commented
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          No pulled pork handy but plenty of other things to eat it with ...

        NC native here and we had some friends that made a similar sauce. Loved it on chicken. I have yet to recreate that sauce exactly but based on the things I've tried, Meathead's version is likely to be close. Chicken bullion is an ingredient that I've never added... And I'm smoking chicken this weekend. Could this thread be a sign from a higher power???
        Attached Files


          I’ve made this version and quite like it. I put a Tsp of Sweetwater IPA in it. It’s a west coast style IPA from Atlanta. Malty but with the right amount of hops.

          My favorite is a pecan crusted pork loin pin wheels then drizzle (liberally) when done it’s always a hit.


          • ecowper
            ecowper commented
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            I really enjoy that Sweetwater 420 ….. good idea adding a bit to this sauce.

            I use the sauce to glaze my smoked pork loins, too. Never had anyone complain yet. :-)

          • Mr. Bones
            Mr. Bones commented
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            I really enjoy 4:20.

          I use it to slather on ribs and pork buttts before i put the rub on


          • STEbbq
            STEbbq commented
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            That seems like a lot of work for a basic binder?

          • DogFaced PonySoldier
            DogFaced PonySoldier commented
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            If you make it in batches and already have it lyin' around... it serves double duty!

          Carolina Gold is my favorite sauce. It also makes a great dressing for a mustard slaw which is the absolute best thing to put on BBQ bologna.


          • Mr. Bones
            Mr. Bones commented
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            Mustard Slaw, what a great idea...I will be doing this!
            Many Thanks, Brother!

          • Bkhuna
            Bkhuna commented
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            Mr. Bones - Yeah, mustard slaw is pretty awesome. I use it on pulled pork and BBQ bologna. I can't stand coleslaw on BBQ, only mustard slaw or North Carolina style vinegar based slaw.

          STEbbq Carolina gold is fantastic, I have given it to 2 people who don’t like mustard and they loved the stuff, thanks for bringing this up , it’s been awhile since I made the stuff, it is time!!!


            Any alla y'all gotsa Aldi's , nearby? Burman's makes a dang-danged Good NC Style Mustard Sauce, whole lotta bang fer th buck!!!
            That bein said, now, yall know I danged sure ain't no advocate of saucin down good BBQ... I do, on occasion, put some out there, to th side, an make my very own sauces , so I don't give this here up easy, like...
            Attached Files
            Last edited by Mr. Bones; May 29, 2021, 11:53 AM. Reason: ' vs ;


            • STEbbq
              STEbbq commented
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              Will do! Haven’t opened it yet

            • Mr. Bones
              Mr. Bones commented
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              STEbbq Copy yer last, Lima Charlie...
              Firebase Bonedaddy, fwd, OUT...
              Last edited by Mr. Bones; May 28, 2021, 12:20 PM. Reason: on accounta I said so...

            • STEbbq
              STEbbq commented
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              This is a good sauce for sure but definitely sweeter and not as tangy as the Meathead version. It goes nicely on ribs!

            While I have not made this sauce, I will say it is a bit "fancy" for an authentic SC mustard sauce. That's not to say that it wouldn't be fantastic, just not representative.

            SC, being the presumed birthplace of mustard sauce, has variations. Hite's BBQ in West Columbia -- as did Jackie Hite's and Cannon BBQ outside of Columbia -- serve a mustard sauce that is strong on the mustard flavor. Much like you'd taste in this recipe from Harry Hite.

            In rural Orangeburg County in the 1930s, Big Joe Bessinger concocted what may be the first mustard-based BBQ sauce. His 5 sons later spread the gospel of that sauce around the state, opening restaurants from Columbia to Charleston. That sauce is much milder on the mustard flavor and definitely sweeter. Seems like Meathead's recipe may have been modeled on Bessinger's.

            A newer place on the SC BBQ scene offers what I think is a nice balance of the two. Swig & Swine's mustard sauce recipe provides more mustard flavor with a nice tang, being sweeter but not "sweet."

            Either way, as an SC native who grew up on the vinegar-based tradition, there is a mustard sauce recipe out there for even those who think they don't like mustard.


              I’ve made Meathead’s Carolina Gold, and it’s really good. My only problem with it isn’t the taste, but that it doesn’t have as long a shelf (refrigerator) life as other home made sauces. It started growing hair in a couple-three months. The KC Sauce is good for over a year.


              • smokin fool
                smokin fool commented
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                Mosca What colors the hair, if I get the same results on my head in three months I'll be ecstatic.

              • Steve R.
                Steve R. commented
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                smokin fool , just slather some on and see what happens. And pick up some Just for Men sometime in the next 2 - 3 months while you wait.

              • Mosca
                Mosca commented
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                smokin fool Uh, green....

              I haven't made Meatheads, but I really like this:

              Click image for larger version

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