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Help...Can't upload pictures

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    Help...Can't upload pictures

    Don't know what happen but I can't upload pictures for some reason. I keep getting this message "Invalid File". I never had this problem before.

    I guess nobody knows why when I try to post pictures on this forum I keep getting a message that reads "Invalid File" but I can post the same pictures on Facebook, etc. with no problems.


    • Jerod Broussard
      Jerod Broussard commented
      Editing a comment
      What icon are you clicking on to upload? I gotta go cut some grass. Be back in an hour or so....

    • Guy
      Guy commented
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      Jerod what kind of grass are you cutting in the winter time???

    Might be a bug DW, or something getting worked on at the moment. Let me try...Click image for larger version

Name:	4briskt10.jpg
Views:	231
Size:	140.6 KB
ID:	58651


      JB, I try all of the icons and I even try to post some older pics that I have posted before and all I get is invalid files. I try to upload the same pics on Facebook and other places and they work with no problem.


        Alright. I'll get with Pit Boss.


          OK, he had me move this to the suggestion box.

          Sometimes browsers will do funny things. My chrome browser will not let me come here simply by clicking on "The Pit." I have to come through "Today's Posts" in order to get into the Pit....go figure.


            So that's it just move the post to the suggestion box. Thanks for y'all help


              DW, I sent pics from my iPhone to my Mac and then tried uploading to the site today. For whatever reason, they kept uploading the size of thumbnails instead of the large size. I decided to just upload to photobucket and then link to them in my posts. I hope PB can figure out the photos and iPhone issues soon!


              • David Parrish
                David Parrish commented
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                We're in process on upgrading the forum software. It could happen within the next couple of weeks. There are a lot of moving parts to consider, unfortunately.

              DWC can you tell us what type of device you are using as well as the operating system and browser? Also, please let us know what upload method you are using and at what point in the process it's telling you there's an invalid file. When did you notice this problem started? When did you last successfully upload a photo?

              Photo upload issues can be tricky to troubleshoot as there are so many variables.

              BTW I did not ask Jerod to move the thread to suggestion box and forget about you. I asked him to move the thread here so it would get the proper attention (not get lost in general discussion topics) and I told him I didn't know of anything currently going on with The Pit that was driving the issue, so it was probably user specific. Please cut us some slack. It's 2 AM Sunday morning as I type this.


                Testing photo upload

                Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_4833.JPG
Views:	101
Size:	124.2 KB
ID:	58740


                • Guy
                  Guy commented
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                  Boss are those scallops?

                • David Parrish
                  David Parrish commented
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                  They are. And they were awesome!

                Originally posted by eugenek View Post
                DW, I sent pics from my iPhone to my Mac and then tried uploading to the site today. For whatever reason, they kept uploading the size of thumbnails instead of the large size. I decided to just upload to photobucket and then link to them in my posts. I hope PB can figure out the photos and iPhone issues soon!

                Eugene you were posting photos just fine the other day so I'm surprised you're having the thumbnail problem. Can you post a pic or two and show us?




                    PB it started yesterday. I'm using my HP desktop and I try Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Firefox. When I click on the picture it will try to load it then a message box will pop up that reads "Invalid Files". Actually the last time I was home ( 3 weeks ago) it would do the same thing and I would resize the picture and it will work but now nothing works. I'm going to try the laptop later today and see what happens. But it is funny how I upload pics elsewhere like Facebook and other sites but not here. Hopefully it's something simple to fix.

                    Oh BTW, last time I was home I was trying to upload a pic on here and it will upload but it was small and each time I try to do it again the pic kept getting smaller and smaller.

                    Just try it again > Invalid File rsz_dsc_0366.jpg
                    Last edited by DWCowles; February 1, 2015, 08:00 AM.


                      DWC it sounds like you may have the user ID bug that these guys ran into:

                      To fix this I'll need to create a new User ID for you. You might lose some things like your Avatar and will need to redo your sig. Let me know if you want the fix applied. Also, you'd sent an email to our "contact us" page yesterday. Are you still wanting what you asked for there? That would make all of this kind of moot.


                        Ok PB fix it please and no, that was the Budlite



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