Question about Smoked Garlic Powder & Smoked Onion Powder
Page 172 of Meathead's book, the recipe/instruction for Smoked Garlic Powder & Smoked Onion Powder, I have two questions:
Is there a recommendation for wood to flavor, or would these be just the smoke from the coal be best (that is what I am leaning towards, as it might be the most 'neutral')?
Second, assuming the finished product is properly sealed and stored, what would be estimated shelf life? 3 months? Less? More?
Cheap CharGriller Offset
22" Coleman Kettle
Traeger Tailgater
Jackson Grills Luxe 580 Gas Grill
Weber Q2200 Portable Gas Grill
Some other no name portable gas grill.
Smoke X4 with Billows
Classic Thermapen
Dreams/Future Purchases:
The Good One Open Range (or build something similar)
Grilla Grills - Grilla
I'd venture to guess that the type of wood matters little, after all, smoked onion or garlic is likely to be a very small amount of whatever recipe you'll use them in. Then again, I am most definitely not a super taster. As for powdering, I keep anything like this in the size that it was smoked or dried in--the idea being that the larger the chunk, the less volatiles lost.Grind just enough for your recipe each time and keep the rest "whole". Shelf life? I dunno, but probably many months.