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Biscuit recipes

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    Biscuit recipes

    After posting pics of a mess a biscuits I made this morning I looked around this site for other biscuit recipes
    Below is the recipe I used only one difference, had no shortening so I subbed in butter
    So boyz n girls who had the best biscuit recipe

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ID:	989058

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Name:	smokin fool biscuit 2.JPG
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ID:	989059

    I follow this one to the "gram" 😂 but really, it’s awesome! I’ve been making it for about 3 years now!

    These easy buttermilk biscuits are incredibly soft, tall, flaky, and buttery. Serve these with some jam or gravy for an easy breakfast!


      Nice. Wouldn’t expect anything less from a Southerner; okay, Southern Ontario Southerner. Next time try using buttermilk instead of milk and let us know if you can tell a difference.


      • rickgregory
        rickgregory commented
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        What IS it with Canadian grocery stores? You can't get chuck roast, they don't stock buttermilk.... Y'all are weird.

      • Davek8282
        Davek8282 commented
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        Lots of our chain stores carry Buttermilk, my only problem is the sizing is too large, I would have to make biscuits every day for 2 or 3 days to use it up.

      • smokin fool
        smokin fool commented
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        rickgregory holey crap, I found buttermilk this morning out shopping
        its 1% buttermilk which can't be all that bad I guess
        My appreciaton of local stores is greatly enhanced

      I use that basic recipe but I use buttermilk instead of milk and I use lard when I have it, otherwise I use butter. Awhile back I added some Hatch chilies to the biscuits - Yum!


      • Mr. Bones
        Mr. Bones commented
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      Here is one from my wife's sister and they are wonderful.

      Man Catcher Biscuits
      From Aunt Rosie

      2 c. flour 4 t. baking powder ½ t. cream of tartar

      ½ t. salt ½ c. sugar ½ c. shortening

      1 egg 2/3 c. milk

      Mix dry ingredients. Then add shortening and crumble mixture. Add egg and milk. Mix. Roll ½ “ thick on floured board. Bake on ungreased cookie sheet for 15 minutes at 425 degrees.


      • gcdmd
        gcdmd commented
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        I gather from the amount of sugar here that these biscuits are a bit on the sweet side. They might benefit from addition of a "sweet" spice, such as cinnamon, or even allspice or nutmeg.

      Here’s one of our faves:
      Salt and Pepper Biscuits

      Breads & Pastry
      Servings: Makes 8

      ¾ cup sour cream
      4 tablespoons heavy cream, divided
      1 tablespoon baking powder
      1 teaspoon kosher salt
      1 teaspoon sugar
      ½ teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper plus more
      2 cups all-purpose flour plus more for surface
      6 tablespoons (¾ stick) chilled unsalted butter, cut into pieces
      Flaky sea salt (such as Maldon)
      Salt-and-Pepper Butter (optional; click for recipe)

      A 2¼”-diameter biscuit or cookie cutter
      Preheat oven to 425°. Whisk sour cream and 3 Tbsp. heavy cream in a small bowl.
      Pulse baking powder, kosher salt, sugar, ½ tsp. pepper, and 2 cups flour in a food processor until combined; add butter and pulse until the texture of coarse meal with a few pea-size pieces of butter remaining.
      Transfer mixture to a large bowl. Using a spoon, mix in sour cream mixture, then gently knead a few times just until a shaggy dough comes together (a light hand is key to tender biscuits, so be careful not to overmix).
      Roll out dough on a lightly floured surface until ¾” thick. Using cutter, cut out biscuits, rerolling scraps as needed.
      Place biscuits on a parchment-lined baking sheet and brush with remaining 1 Tbsp. heavy cream; sprinkle with sea salt and more pepper. Bake until golden brown on the tops and bottoms, 15–20 minutes. Serve warm with salt-and-pepper butter, if desired.
      DO AHEAD: Dough can be made 6 hours ahead. Cover and chill. Biscuits can be baked 2 hours ahead.



      • smokin fool
        smokin fool commented
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        Probably the most un-traditional recipe so far and that's what I'm kinda looking for starting this thread.

      Ice cold butter, full-fat buttermilk, and Renwood Mills biscuit flour. After many years of trial and error (emphasis on error) this has become my formula for good biscuits.


      • TheQuietOne
        TheQuietOne commented
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        Soft wheat (biscuit) flour such as White Lily or King Arthur self rising seems to be the key. I tried and failed miserably making biscuits with all purpose flour until I saw an article on the problem with northern biscuits. I got 5 lbs of King Arthur self rising and I'm a pro.
        Last edited by TheQuietOne; January 25, 2021, 04:46 PM.

      • smokin fool
        smokin fool commented
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        TheQuietOne never thought of trying a different type of flour so butter milk and a self rising flour are next on the agenda

      These are easy to make, really good. Use Tillamook cheese if you can find it. Put a piece of ham and a basted egg in between to really fancy them up.

      Pimento Cheese Biscuits:

      • 2 cups All-Purpose Flour
      • 1 tbsp. Baking Powder
      • 1 1/2 tsp. Salt
      • 1/8 tsp. Cayenne Pepper
      • 1 1/2 oz. Pimentos - chopped
      • 1/2 cup Sharp Shredded Cheddar Cheese
      • 1 to 1 1/4 cup Heavy Cream

      - Mix/Blend all ingredients together. Blend well but don’t over mix it.
      - Knead slightly. Folding the dough over 3 or 4 times will create layers and help create flaky layers.
      - Use sharp biscuit cutter (your preference of size). Bite-size biscuits are great for the holidays.
      - Bake at 350 degrees for 14 minutes, rotate after 7 minutes.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Jspan; January 24, 2021, 08:55 PM.


      • smokin fool
        smokin fool commented
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        Now that's a biscuit, mine didn't rise that much and were uneven

      • gcdmd
        gcdmd commented
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        smokin fool
        If you place your biscuits right up next to each other before baking they will expand upward. If you space them out they will expand outward. Your picture suggests that you did the latter.
        Last edited by gcdmd; January 31, 2021, 10:38 AM.

      • smokin fool
        smokin fool commented
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        gcdmd Skimming thru this thread and noticed your comment about spacing.
        Thank you next batch will place them closer together

      I just twist the tube until it blows like a had grenade, lay out the remains, and bake. Actually, I use ATKs recipe with similar ingredients as others have posted.


        Wow! Are you sure you want to go there? Three things we don't discuss in civil company: religion, politics and biscuit recipes. I caused a major schism in the family when I messed with Grandma's biscuit recipe - and the only change I made was from the lump method to the the fold method.

        Anyway, here's the biscuit recipe that Moses brought down from Sinai and personally handed to my Grandma:

        2 cups flour
        1/3 cup lard (lard, butter, shortening, oil - whatever)
        2/3 cup whole milk
        2 tsp Baking powder


        • smokin fool
          smokin fool commented
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          Well....I'm always up for a good schism....all's forgiven with a when a pan of good hot biscuits comes out of the oven

        My mother in laws recipe. The very best biscuits I have eaten

        2 Cups All Purpose Flour

        1 Tablespoon Baking Powder

        1/2 Teaspoon of salt

        1/4 Teaspoon of Soda

        6 Tablespoons of Butter (Use Criso!)

        Cut in butter until mixture resembles course crumbs. Add 1 cup buttermilk all at once. (Note, I use a little more than a cup. I like the dough wet and then add flour to get consistency). Stir until blended. Turn out on lightly floured surface and knead lightly for a couple minutes. Roll out to 1/2" thickness. Place on cookie sheet. Prick with fork. Brush top with buttermilk. Bake in preheated 450 degree oven for 10 to 12 minutes.

        Makes about a dozen biscuits


          If you're a Northerner and can't get lower protein flour such as White Lily for making biscuits, try substituting cake flour for about half of the AP flour called for in the recipe. That will make your biscuits more tender and rise a little higher. Another option is to substitute rice flour for about one fourth of the AP flour.

          The following recipe is sized to feed 2-3 average appetites; double it for big appetites or more people. It's a drop biscuit, but you can convert it to a rolled and cut biscuit -- see note below.

          Cheese Biscuits

          Makes 6-7 biscuits


          1/2 cup (2.2 oz) all-purpose flour
          1/2 cup (2.2 oz) cake flour
          3/4 tsp baking powder
          1/8 tsp baking soda
          1/2 tsp salt
          1/16 tsp (pinch) garlic powder

          2 TBL cold butter
          1/2 cup (2 oz) cheddar cheese, shredded
          1 tsp dried herb blend OR 2 TBL minced fresh parsley

          1/2 cup (4 oz) milk OR buttermilk OR sour milk

          1 TBL melted butter
          1/16 tsp (pinch) garlic powder


          Measure the flours, buttermilk powder, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and garlic powder into the bowl of a food processor. Pulse once or twice to blend.

          Cut butter into 4-6 pieces, scatter over the flour mixture. Pulse 3-4 times or until butter looks like coarse crumbs. Add the cheese and herb blend. Pulse 1-2 times to just combine. Dump the flour-cheese mixture into a bowl. Add milk. Stir until just combined.

          Spray a baking sheet with cooking oil spray or cover with parchment paper. Use a large disher or two serving spoons to drop 6-7 generous scoops onto the sheet, spacing the scoops at least 2 inches apart.

          Bake at 425 F for 10-12 minutes or until biscuits are golden brown around the edges and have light flecks of golden brown on top.

          Melt the remaining butter and garlic powder, and brush over biscuits. Serve immediately.

          For rolled and cut biscuits, make same recipe except reduce milk to 1/3 cup (2.7 oz).
          Last edited by IowaGirl; January 25, 2021, 02:48 PM.


          • SheilaAnn
            SheilaAnn commented
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            IowaGirl can you omit the garlic, cheese and herbs?

          • IowaGirl
            IowaGirl commented
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            Certainly! But it would take a lot of the fun out of it. It's just a basic drop biscuit if you leave out the goodies.

          • radshop
            radshop commented
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            Now THAT is the South I love. Too polite to say, "If you're a D*** Yankee...," but not too polite to find another way to say it!

            (Don't know your actual mindset - all intended as good clean fun.)

          I figured this would be a good place to ask my biscuit question. I use the recipe from Joanna Gaines for buttermilk biscuits. They seem to come out ok but I'm not consistent with my results. The recipe says to mix everything to the right consistency but never says exactly what that is. Is that a little wet? Dry? Sticky? Help!


          • smokin fool
            smokin fool commented
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            Even the recipe I use its still hard to know what the right consistency is.
            What is over or under worked....
            I just shoot for the moon and hope for the best, like you they seem to come out ok but am I leaving something on the table

          There are a couple of issues with biscuits that can make or break the outcome. I think the two main ones are overworking the dough and using the right amount of liquid. The moisture content of the flour can fluctuate due to storage conditions so if you try using X amount of liquid, it can be a little to much or too little. You just have to make biscuits often enough to develop a feel.

          What's probably the most critical is the tendency to overwork the dough. Biscuits don't need to be kneaded. They are a type of quick bread. You aren't trying to develop gluten like in making bread. Once the ingredients are combined just turn the dough out on your work surface and pat it out to about 1/2 an inch. Then fold it over, pat it out two more times.

          Last edited by Bkhuna; January 26, 2021, 04:44 AM.


            If you like to use buttermilk in baked goods but don't otherwise use much of the stuff, another option is to buy buttermilk powder. I keep mine in the freezer for the longest shelf life, but it is shelf stable at room temperature if you use it regularly. I add 1 TBL buttermilk powder for every 1/4 cup liquid in the recipe.

            Other alternatives to buttermilk are kefir, plain yogurt, or soured milk (1 TBL / 15 mL vinegar or lemon juice plus enough milk to total 1 cup / 250 mL. Let stand 5 minutes before use).

            Rolled and cut biscuits should have a "just barely not sticky" texture. You should knead biscuit dough very lightly -- just enough to get the dough to hang together, but not so much that you develop much gluten. That's also where using White Lily flour or some cake flour comes in handy, because either one will reduce the tendency toward gluten formation.

            Also when you knead, use the bare minimum of extra flour so your biscuits stay moist and fluffy.

            Drop biscuits are the same recipe as rolled and cut biscuits, except there's just enough extra liquid so the dough can be scooped up and dropped onto the baking sheet. Dropped is nice when time is short or your patience is thin, but rolled and cut is prettier.


            • smokin fool
              smokin fool commented
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              My mother made dumpling they were like dropping a rock down a well
              You could hear them splash when they hit bottom

            • Bkhuna
              Bkhuna commented
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              My biscuit dough never sees a rolling pin. I'm a fold and pat kind of guy.

            • smokin fool
              smokin fool commented
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              Bkhuna My biscuit merry-go-round has Kefir next stop and I'm trying your suggestion of less rolling
              There's as much technology in biscuits as the space shuttle


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