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New Silverbac

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    Why did you go with the upgraded cart instead of stock?


    • DavidNorcross
      DavidNorcross commented
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      Honestly, I liked the looks and the versatility. It is one of those instances where I can move it if I want. However, as I mentioned in a previous comment, I am probably going to get their kitchen and if I do I am going to build a table top for this cart.

    With all of the new folks showing up here with Grillas, it does seem like they are doing gangbusters business recently. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of guys IMO.
    Last edited by STEbbq; August 5, 2021, 06:53 PM.


    • DavidNorcross
      DavidNorcross commented
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      Do you know them? Highly impressed and to me what makes them unique is the fact that they are a metal fabrication and machine shop first. If I am not mistaken Hasty Bake has the same heritage.

    • STEbbq
      STEbbq commented
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      I’ve spent a while talking to them on various topics, YouTube videos etc.

      They seem genuine, passionate, and a fun group of folks.

    You'll also enjoy the fact that their stainless steel is so very easy to keep clean.


      Well I must say that's good to know. Mine is dirty.......and if and when I decider to clean it...all the better. But I am happy with my smoker, and impressed by their customer service.


        I mean, it rains here too much and I'd never use it enough to justify it, but DAMNN... this outdoor kitchen is sweet:


        • DavidNorcross
          DavidNorcross commented
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          Yes it is and it will be coming soon I hope..

        I’m jealous. Want a Grilla, but have to add to the patio first. Then watch out!


          The burn in is done but you’re waiting till tomorrow to cook something? What do you eat dinner at 3:00 PM and already pass it?


          • DavidNorcross
            DavidNorcross commented
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            Ha...nope. The wife already had plans for dinner. Tonight is my turn and tomorrow night too!

          • glitchy
            glitchy commented
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            DavidNorcross That’s not a concept I understand, how does that work? You take turns with cooking duties?

          • DavidNorcross
            DavidNorcross commented
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            glitchy yes. I cook from Friday to Sunday. Sometimes during the week but not often. Been that way for years.

          First cook in the books. Just some thighs with sauce. Very pleased so far. Will do a whole chicken tomorrow.

          Click image for larger version

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ID:	1073699


          • Huskee
            Huskee commented
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            I cover my drip tray in foil too, smart! If you ever want to boost your smoke flavor, you can put a couple small chunks of wood, or handfulls of chips, under the drip tray on the diffuser in those triangle spaces.

          • DavidNorcross
            DavidNorcross commented
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            Thank you Huskee your review played a big part in this decision.

          • au4stree
            au4stree commented
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            Huskee, where exactly do you recommend wood chips? i cant envision where you describe on the grill. Maybe I'm slow today.

          Congrats! I have had mine a few months now and love it!


            So of course after telling you I passed on it after talking with my wife last weekend we ended up buying the 3 piece kitchen set which is currently en route. Can’t wait for it. We redid our backyard last year but there’s still some stuff to be done. This will help. Won’t fix the Cubs though, but will help with coping.


            • DavidNorcross
              DavidNorcross commented
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              I have ordered as well. Hope to have photos soon. I have been very impressed with the cooker so far. Plus the support is wonderful.

            Welcome to the jungle! I've had my Silverbac for a year now, and couldn't be happier with it. It was one of the closeout sale of the original Silverbacs with single mode controller, so I opted to buy the wireless controller upgrade when it was offered back in the spring. They have finally started shipping, and mine is somewhere enroute.





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