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New Silverbac

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    New Silverbac

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    Posted about a month ago that I made the decision to venture back into the pellet world. For me it was a matter of time and convenience that sent me down this path.

    After an exhaustive search and of course using this place as my primary reference. As always this group is a huge help. I narrowed down to Camp Chef Woodwind and the Grilla Grills Silverbac. I chose the Grilla because of the size of the company, their support in the early stages and overwhelming reviews on this site and everywhere else. I believe this company is going to be making some real moves in this space very soon.

    The assembly was great and the quality did not disappoint so far. The written directions were a little rough but that was probably me and my lack of patience.

    Initial burn in has been completed and tomorrow wi be some thighs as the maiden voyage.

    I will drop a teaser. There is a revamp coming soon. In case you have not heard Grilla has outdoor kitchens as well as an awesome griddle in the Primate. So stay tuned.
    Last edited by DavidNorcross; August 5, 2021, 03:18 PM.

    DavidNorcross are we talking a revamp of your outdoor setup, or revamp of Grilla's offerings? Surely you are not tossing the FTG600 or SNSK aside already?


    • DavidNorcross
      DavidNorcross commented
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      MCS is a terrible disease....

    Is the revamp related to the Silverbac or the outdoor kitchen?

    I briefly toyed with get one of their cabinets for my backyard but I didn’t really need it nor want to deal with another furniture cover.


      The revamp is probably going to be my own setup. Grilla has launched a line of outdoor kitchen offerings that caught my eye during this whole process.


        My brother bought a Silverbac and loves it. Please let us know what options you added and whether you think the options are worth getting.


          Sweetness! Is that a Rhode Island Red??


          • DavidNorcross
            DavidNorcross commented
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            She was a gold sex link. I lost her this week. Sad times....she was a good one.

          That's great, David, those Grilla's are gaining quite a reputation.

          And you're right about time saving. I've been ramping up my exercise routine while also continuing with our last bathroom remodel and it leaves me pretty whipped at the end of the day. A couple of days ago I was just tuckered out, but since my wife is still working I take the responsibility of meals (among other duties as assigned). Man, I just did not have the gas to "cook", but what I did have was some some whole chicken breasts, a bag of salad, and my 'ol Traeger. That was a pretty easy and actually pretty dang good dinner. I took today off and I'm doing a pork butt in the LSG, but I'll never part with my trusty 'ol pellet pooper.


            I think that you could easily put the SNS Kamado into one of those "built in" sections and the same for the Silverbac. Not so sure about the FTG600. It might fit with the legs and side tables removed...


              The Wonderful World of Pellet Grilling,
              It is not a Traeger, but it is a pellet grill, you done good.
              Looking forward to your future cooks and posts.


                Welcome back to the pellet world. I absolutely love mine. (recteq). It’s just so damn easy! In fact I did a couple racks of ribs today on it. I have 8 other cookers but the pellet pooper is by far my favorite and most often used. Have fun!


                  Congrats. New toys are always fun.


                    Enjoy that New Cooker!


                      Looks awesome! Congrats!


                        Congrats! Pellet cookers are silly easy enjoy


                          I should have gotten the cart instead of the cabinet. Looks so much better. Happy smoking.


                          • DavidNorcross
                            DavidNorcross commented
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                            I really like the cart. There are a number of uses and this thing is solid. I will say that if I go with their kitchen, I will repurpose the cart to a rolling table.


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