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Last Call And Confirmation Roster For The Fall Texas MeatUp - 10/22 thru 10/24

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    Last Call And Confirmation Roster For The Fall Texas MeatUp - 10/22 thru 10/24

    As mentioned here a few months ago, we’re having our Fall Texas MeatUp soon! It will take place in Rockdale, Tex. in just a few more weeks, October 22-24. We’ll be staying at The Rainbow Courts there in Rockdale. They are SOLD OUT of rooms at The Rainbow for that weekend. Myself, Captain Mike, ecowper and 58limited will be arriving Thursday and staying thru Sunday, if anyone wants to arrive before Friday. If you haven’t made reservations but would like to attend, there are several other hotels in the area you can try.

    We have confirmed with Brett’s Backyard BBQ that he can cater our dinner Friday night. If you haven’t eaten there before, it is some of the best BBQ in the state! In order to make this as easy as possible for all involved, we are proposing the following and hope everyone is ok with it. As of now, we have 17 people attending, including spouses. I thought we’d order the big 3 of meats for everyone, brisket, ribs and sausage. All excellent! Their Pico de Gallo sausage is worth fighting over. In fact, back in June Troutman tried to steal a piece off my plate and I had to stab him with my plastic fork. 🙄 Their sides are all homemade and some of the best you’ll find. We thought we’d have 3 or 4 different sides delivered to us, along with the meat, and let people just take what they want. I’ll guarantee you will like em.

    After everyone has confirmed and we have final head count, Troutman will be calling Brett for a price to cater us. One of us, and I can volunteer, can pay for it when needed. The rest of the group can reimburse me or whoever, for their share of the cost. I hope this meets everyone’s approval, but if you have any reservations about this arrangement, please let us know.

    Just like last time, we’ll have a Happy Hour from 5-7 before dinner Friday, to get acquainted with each other and renew past friendships. I was thinking Brett’s can deliver to us around 6:30 to 7 pm. There will be tables set up for dinner, some inside my room and others outside. For anyone not flying in, it’s asked if you can, bring some lawn chairs to sit in, and if possible, maybe bring a few extras for those flying in. I’ll bring some extras myself.

    Here is the list of people we know of who made reservations and said they will be attending. Please confirm you’ll be attending and the number in your party. There’s several top notch BBQ places for us to choose from for Saturday. All within easy driving distance, 45 minutes or less. And Snow’s is only 15 minutes away. Thanks guys!

    EDIT TO THE PLANS - We’ll be eating in the restaurant around 7:00 and not have it catered. Happy Hour is still 5-7 at the Rainbow. They close at 5pm but will be open for our private dinner.

    ecowper +1

    T-bone +1


    Panhead John

    CaptainMike +1


    Texas Larry +1

    Uncle Bob +1

    LA Pork Butt +1

    If I missed anyone please let me know. Also if you have any questions let us know.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Panhead John; October 18, 2021, 05:20 PM.

    Troutman You want to post here also about Brett’s big BBQ shindig he’s having on Sunday? Some of our attendees might want to go. Also, some people might want to drive in for the day if they’re close enough. Can you include the link also?


      Stacy and I will be there. The Friday night plan sounds good. I'll bring $5 to cover my share! ;-)


      • Panhead John
        Panhead John commented
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        Cheapskate! It’s gonna be at least $6.00
        Last edited by Panhead John; September 28, 2021, 01:44 PM.

      • ecowper
        ecowper commented
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        I will gladly pay you on Tuesday for some brisket today

      • Troutman
        Troutman commented
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        I heard out of state tuition is pretty steep, but that's just a rumor

      Hammies are in for 2. There better be some of that tater tot casserole or I'll just eat whatever else he brings.

      Oh, and Collette is the other half's name.
      Last edited by CaptainMike; September 28, 2021, 03:25 PM.


        Renee and I are gonna be there fo’ sho’. Will bring a few chairs (& a folding table if needed?). Hope to arrive around 3 on Fri. Thanks for organizing all this. Sounds great!


          Okay, as John said this is going to be a two-fer, fantastic weekend. Not only are we going to have fun and camaraderie among ourselves, along with some great catered bbq, our friend Brett from Brett's Backyard BBQ just happens to be hosting his own bbq festival that Sunday the 24th. They've invited over 50 pitmasters from around Texas to attend along with at least one local micro-brewer. Those who have never had real deal Central Texas BBQ are in for a sensory overload. I've been to a couple of these and it's quite an extravaganza. You'll get to meet some of the top pitmasters in Texas and sample some of their fare. I'm excited because a couple of them have been on my personal hit list for quite some time.

          Brett is holding this himself as somewhat of a self-promotion. Texas Monthly magazine is about to release their Texas Top 50 BBQ Joints and although having made the list previously, including No. 2 in the most recent reader's poll, is apparently being snubbed this go round (politics I'm sure). Anyway being a friend of the Pitmasters Club please consider buying a ticket and attending, I guarantee you'll be helping him out and getting more than your fair share of food and beverages. Price of admission is $75/person. Here's a link to the website to pre-purchase tickets and get general information;

          Tickets will be going fairly quickly so don't wait to commit. This is a BIG deal, please plan on attending !!!
          Last edited by Troutman; September 28, 2021, 02:37 PM.


          • Troutman
            Troutman commented
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            Well just great. I promised a guest from Washington and California would be attending an now both of you have finked out on me. What's this world coming to? Oh well, I'll just have to eat your and ecowper 's share, too bad for you guys....

          • 58limited
            58limited commented
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            Send her home, you stay a day longer. (Don't tell her it was my idea, blame PJ)

          • ecowper
            ecowper commented
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            Unfortunately, Stacy is a para educator (she supports kids at the high school that need extra help) and must be able to be at work on monday morning.

          Time to put on my vicarious living hat again...


          • Troutman
            Troutman commented
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            ....Big old jet air...liiiiner, carry me to Texas ....

          • Huskee
            Huskee commented
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            Funny, I'll actually be in central KY the week after that (10/25-30). No chance I could swing Texas the week prior to my KY getaway... but it would be great to be able to. Troutman CaptainMike

          • 58limited
            58limited commented
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            What was that about KY? Never mind, don't tell me.

          Grumpy me and charming she are still committed.........


          • Troutman
            Troutman commented
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            You nailed it Bob, good one

          • Panhead John
            Panhead John commented
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            I’ll have plenty of Mad Dog for you Uncle Bob!

          My son and I will be in on Friday. We should make it by happy hour. Plans for Friday sounds great...thanks!


            LA Pork Butt Loren Hey guys, just wanted to confirm with y’all about Friday night. Are y’all still planning on being there for the dinner? Thanks!


            • LA Pork Butt
              LA Pork Butt commented
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              Yep! My wife and I will be there some time early Friday afternoon. See you then.

            • Panhead John
              Panhead John commented
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              Good deal Sunny! Looking forward to seeing you again. Troutman Can you go ahead and call Brett to get us a price for the catering job? Thanks
              Last edited by Panhead John; September 30, 2021, 07:19 PM.

            • ecowper
              ecowper commented
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              Awesome, can’t wait to meet you guys!

            As of this morning, October 4, 2021 at 9 am CST, there are only about 30 tickets left for Brett Fest on Sunday October 24th. If you have NOT pre-purchased your ticket and DO want to attend, they are going fast. I would do it today or miss out !!

            We also have a quote on the Friday, October 22nd private catering event. Brett has asked that for convenience sake we do it at his place. I'll be talking to the other coordinators and get back to everyone on the pricing, but be expecting no more than $30/person total.


            • CaptainMike
              CaptainMike commented
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              That sounds very reasonable on both counts.

            • Uncle Bob
              Uncle Bob commented
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              If we have to accommodate him we get free beer...........right?

            • T-bone
              T-bone commented
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              We're all in! Brett Fest tickets secured. Thanks, Steve!

            I’m ok with that also Steve. For anyone who hasn’t been to Brett’s, it’s only about one mile from where we’re staying at the Rainbow Courts. It’ll probably save us a few bucks also, (vs. catering) and we won’t have to worry about any setting up tables and chairs for dinner and we’ll have no cleanup to do afterwards. We’ll just caravan together in a few cars for the 3 minute ride over there. And since I’ve got a pickup truck, any overflow can ride in the bed of my truck like a bunch of hillbillies, then I’ll cut some donuts in the parking lot for extra fun.
            Last edited by Panhead John; October 4, 2021, 11:47 AM.


            • Uncle Bob
              Uncle Bob commented
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              The guy who sleeps with a plastic blow up doll he named Rachel calling others hillbillies.....................................uh huh............

            • Panhead John
              Panhead John commented
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              I’d never settle for plastic. She’s a high grade vinyl.


            Hey guys, if you’re going to the Fall Meat Up, we’d like to get your choices for the three side dishes to be served that Friday night. Please list your favorite 3 sides from Brett’s menu shown, and in order of preference. We will serve the 3 sides that garner the most points. Each choice of # 1 will get 3 points, choice number 2 will get 2 points and choice # 3 will get one point. If you can, we’d like to have your choices by the end of the week. Thanks

            Click image for larger version

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            • Panhead John
              Panhead John commented
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              I’ll start things off. 1. Smoked Tater Tot Casserole 2. Brisket Beans 3. Jalapeño Cream Corn

              The Brisket Beans are pintos with a little brisket added. Yum!
              Last edited by Panhead John; October 4, 2021, 05:48 PM.

            • Texas Larry
              Texas Larry commented
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              Here’s my votes:
              1-jalapeño cream corn
              2-tater tot casserole
              3-green beans (for my partner🤣)

            • Panhead John
              Panhead John commented
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              Green beans? The Horror! 😱

            1. Tater tot casserole; 2. Jalapeno cream corn; 3. Creamy lime coleslaw.


              Tater tot casserole, jalapeno creamed corn, mac and cheese


              • Panhead John
                Panhead John commented
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                I won’t be disappointed with any of our selections, they’re all that good.


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