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Meat Up in Texas June 4-6, 2021 Attendance Roster

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    Meat Up in Texas June 4-6, 2021 Attendance Roster

    Below is a roster of everyone attending the June 4-6, 2021 Texas Mini Meat Up centered in Rockdale, Texas. Click this link for lodging and general information: Texas Meat Up

    I decided to make this a separate post rather than have everyone slog through the Texas Meat Up post to find this information. I will update this as other members join the Meat Up.

    Members Attending:

    TxF +1

    Lock Stock and Barrel

    Mr. Bones ?


    LA Pork Butt +1

    Uncle Bob +1



    Texas Larry + 1

    Loren +1

    wcpreston + 1


    Panhead John

    Ernest ?

    Last edited by 58limited; May 29, 2021, 07:08 AM.

    Thanks for doing this, fiddy-ate, a nice one stop shop. Perhaps each of us attending could add to this our real names and the names of their family members attending so we can all start memorizing them. There's still not enough time for me to do that due to my CRS syndrome, but some of 'em might stick.

    I'll go first: Mike Hamilton.


    • Uncle Bob
      Uncle Bob commented
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      Hi, my name is Bob...........just one O despite what some may think...............

    • CaptainMike
      CaptainMike commented
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      Now that's funny Uncle Bob! My neighbor and good buddy's name is Bob and I can't wait to spring that one on him!

    I’m Sunny and my son is Andy.


    • Troutman
      Troutman commented
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      We didn’t ask your disposition, we asked your name?? :’)


    I’m John V. and this is my wife Sally.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Panhead John; May 2, 2021, 07:47 AM.


    • CaptainMike
      CaptainMike commented
      Editing a comment

    • RichieB
      RichieB commented
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      you are a sick puppy... LoL And I thought you wern't married?

    • Ernest
      Ernest commented
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    David Webb


      Larry & Renee Davis


        Larry Flynt but my alias is Troutman Steve. Also why the heck am I last on the list, story of my life...

        Click image for larger version

Name:	1F5E78E6-903F-4C30-BD76-9EBFCA704E42.jpeg
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ID:	1025815


        • pkadare
          pkadare commented
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          You look surprisingly good for a dead dude.

        • Troutman
          Troutman commented
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          That's actually my Dad, Larry Senior. He was more handsome than I so I sometimes use his picture. He was indeed a titan !!!

        • 58limited
          58limited commented
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          Troutman Steve, listing order has no rhyme or reason. Be glad I didn't let the spell checker have free reign or your name would be Turtle Flan.
          Last edited by 58limited; May 2, 2021, 11:39 AM.

        Well, I'll actually be a +1 with my wife. And luckily I'm givin' y'all a head start on 'memberin' my name cuz I couldn't think of a good user name when I signed up 🤠😎

        Loren and Kim.

        I also assure you that this is a 100% accurate photo of us....
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Loren; May 1, 2021, 09:43 PM.


        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          Now that yer older, an most likely slower, dontcha find that small birds tend to make nests in them eyebrows???

          Jus askin, fer a friend...

        • Loren
          Loren commented
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          Surprisingly I've found that the birds stay out due to the copious amounts of sweat I generate from the humidity here in Texas. Nests just slip right out of the ol' eyebushies.

        • Clark
          Clark commented
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          Loren Which one is you?

        Loren While you and your wife are beautiful people, me and my wife will not take a back seat to your blatant and shameful display of "Hey, look at us!"

        Actual untouched photo of Mr. and Mrs. Panhead
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Panhead John; May 2, 2021, 09:01 AM.


        • smokin fool
          smokin fool commented
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          You had me until Home Depot....we all know you get your potting soil at Walmart!!!!

        • Red Man
          Red Man commented
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          I was wondering what happened to George Clooney, hadn’t seen him in any movies recently. Now I know...he spends all his time on AR 😂

        • Panhead John
          Panhead John commented
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          My buddy, Brad Pit, spends a lot of time here also.

        With this pack of liars it could end up one heck of a weekend of "can you top this..................................?


        • Uncle Bob
          Uncle Bob commented
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          Oh oh........the League MVP has spoken.......

        • CaptainMike
          CaptainMike commented
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          He's an 'ol jarhead, they're ringers when it comes to bullhonkery. I know a pro when I see one and I'm just gonna be keepin' my mouth shut, fetchin' him drinks, and lightin' his cee-gars!

        • Panhead John
          Panhead John commented
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          I will fan him with large banana leaves and feed him grapes, one at a time,.... while he’s drinking beer in his lawn chair.
          Last edited by Panhead John; May 2, 2021, 01:47 PM.

        I go by Curtis and my wife in Lynn. She'll be the filipino one in the crowd.

        And she's the reason I got into BBQ. She loved brisket way before I did.

        BTW... I bought my plane tickets last week.


        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          Not to niggle, but methinks she'd be th Fillipina?

          Please, do feel free to correct me if'n I'm wayoff-base, on this one, Brother...I will edit, or delete, accordinly...

          Spent some time there, once, upon a time...

          Lookin forward to meetin both yall, mebbe even tradin some traditional Receipts, from our places of birth

        • wcpreston
          wcpreston commented
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          Suffice it to say that the answer to your question is "complicated," due to the complicated history of the country. This is especially true if one happens to have a progressive anti-colonialism daughter. <ahem>. Suffice it to say either is correct depending on your point of view.

          Did you know the Phillippines wasn't even called that until Spain gave them that name? (Based on King Phillip.)

        I’m still trying to figure out if I can make this work time and finance wise with other June commitments. Is Austin the only reasonable airport to consider? Anything else with 60-90 mins of there? Waco was only other thing I saw and was double the cost Austin. Austin flights aren’t the greatest time wise, but have family in town so haven’t spun the wheel too many times to see all the choices yet and haven’t tried to requisition C.F.O. approval.

        Just in case I do figure something out I’ll let y’all start practicing my name: Glibet Tobias Chee.

        I do allow some people I like to call me Shane, but that’s only a couple on the confirmed list and one tentative.


        • Loren
          Loren commented
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          I would recommend flying into Austin. The drive from San Antonio is not bad, but boring as all heck (kinda like the drive between Bakersfield and LA). And life is short so it would best be spent with the handsome and beautiful people congregating at the Rainbow Courts.

          Man I hope they have plastic pink flamingos somewhere on the property with a name like Rainbow Court.

        • glitchy
          glitchy commented
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          Loren "And life is short so it would best be spent with the handsome and beautiful people congregating at the Rainbow Courts."

          You mean other people besides the meat-up will be there too?

          I’m still searching and thinking, but trying to get there to enjoy Friday evening raises the cost a couple hundred for flight and car. Thursday raises it even more. As much as I’d love to say I got to eat something Tootsie cooked, I want to spend Friday evening with you weirdos.

        • glitchy
          glitchy commented
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          The cheaper flights all get in at 8:00-10:00 PM long after all you old farts will have hit the hay for the night, especially after I get a car and drive an hour.

        ”Lookin forward to meetin both yall, mebbe even tradin some traditional Receipts, from our places of birth”

        Mmm, Mr. Bones not one to pry, but when do you think you’ll be meeting them?
        Last edited by Panhead John; May 2, 2021, 03:21 PM.




          • CaptainMike
            CaptainMike commented
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            This might the best news yet, I haven't hugged a boney old Marine in a long time.

          • Mr. Bones
            Mr. Bones commented
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            It would be MY Distinct Pleasure to Great Big Hug yerself, Capn, but I aint sure I'll be able to attend, or not...
            Negotiations in progress.
            All other sources regardin my attendance are purely spurious.
            Last edited by Mr. Bones; May 2, 2021, 06:17 PM.

          • CaptainMike
            CaptainMike commented
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            Hope springs eternal, my Brother.

          I took a cursory look at flights into DFW out of YYZ so I can stop in and buzz my sister at the same time.
          Air Canada wants a kidney, a lung and some of my liver or $16-1800 for a trip in an elevator. I'd have to leave Weds AM to get there Thurs PM there's so many stops.
          American was at $430 direct, think it was in USD which is 3 Jillion CAD.
          Its the quarantine crap that kills it for me 14 days before and 14 days after but if they re-open the border May 21 will take another look at this, possibly out of Buffalo.


          • Panhead John
            Panhead John commented
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            smokin fool I know it’d be a major ordeal for ya, but man, that’d be great if ya could.


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