Hi there, Peter here. Swede based in Belgium (just outside Brussels). I'm definitely a greenhorn, limited bbqing until I got myself a stick burner (nette lette) last year. I honestly do more roasting than low and slow, but some spare ribs and pulled pork and the like too. So beginner stuff.
I also have a super simple box grill (dancook) which I got after my old kettle finally gave up, and which I mostly use for skewers and the occassional searing, and a gas grill.
Look forward to learning and developing my grilling and bbqing game!
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Last edited by etepete; December 25, 2021, 08:19 AM.
Currently own:
Weber 22 and 26 Kettle.
Regular gasser with rotisserie.
Custom built horizontal stick burner.
Custom built duel fuel "whole hog" cooker.
​​​Many other tools of the trade.
Smokin-It 3D
Weber Kettle with an SNS
Masterbuilt kettle that I call the $30 wonder grill
Bullet by Bull Grills gasser
Anova WiFi sous vide machine
Thermoworks Thermapen and Chef Alarm
The food and beer is definitely outstanding (I can say it, as I'm a guest in the country . I haven't seen the Ronde van Vlaanderen, but tour de France came through a couple of years ago and that was fun. We're right on the edge of bike country where I live - it's quite a sharp dividing line between Brussels and bike loving Flanders!
Last edited by etepete; December 25, 2021, 09:45 AM.
> Weber Genesis EP-330
> Grilla Grills Original Grilla (OG) pellet smoker with Alpha/Connect
> Pit Barrel Cooker (gone to a new home)
> WeberQ 2000 (on "loan" to a relative (I'll never see it again))
> Old Smokey Electric (for chickens mostly - when it's too nasty out
to fiddle with a more capable cooker)
> Luhr Jensen Little Chief Electric - Top Loader circa 1990 (smoked fish & jerky)
> Thermoworks Smoke
> 3 Thermoworks Chef Alarms
> Thermoworks Thermapen One
> Thermoworks Thermapen Classic
> Thermoworks Thermopop
> Thermoworks IR-GUN-S
> Anova sous vide circulator
> Searzall torch
> BBQ Guru Rib Ring
> WÜSTHOF, Dalstrong, and Buck knives
> Paprika App on Mac and iOS