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This is what a 3 year old KBQ C-60 looks like

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    This is what a 3 year old KBQ C-60 looks like

    That’s because I haven’t used it. Criminal, I know. But life got in the way since I ordered it (along with other stuff for my outdoor kitchen including a Viking 42” gas grill, an Otto Wilde OFB broiler, a Wolf 36” induction cooktop). Then I also recently purchased a Weber 22 which restarted this interest in grilling and smoking.

    But no worries. That’s all about to change soon. I’ve recently spoken to architects and contractors to finally build my outdoor kitchen. So much more free time now.

    A little about me (since I only frequent the KBQ section I figure I’ll just post the introduction here): I’m located in the Philippines and ever since childhood I was always interested in food. Sometime in the early 2000s I took a sabbatical and moved to New York to go to the French Culinary Institute. Graduated at the top of my class and eventually got a job working for Chris Gesualdi at Montrachet. Chris was the sous chef of Thomas Keller at Rakel. I made a deal with Chris that I’ll work for him for free for as long as if he thought I deserved it at the end of my stint, he’ll give Thomas Keller a call and recommend me. At this time, Per Se was just about to open. At the end of 3 months, on my last day, just as Per Se opened, Chris called me into the kitchen right before prep started and told me to keep quiet and listen. He picks up the phone, calls Thomas Keller, and gets me an interview. So I ended up working at Per Se at the time Warner Building in New York for about 6 months. Best experience ever!

    I’ve never used a smoker before but I’ve always wanted to learn. As I was building my house and planning the outdoor kitchen, I came across the KBQ and figured "why not?" If I was going to learn might as well learn on the best rig!

    While I have existing sous vide equipment I use in my main kitchen, I want to master smoking on the KBQ first before mixing them up.

    So the rainy season here just started and it’s raining like crazy right now. But as soon as it stops for a bit, I’m on my first smoke.

    I just recently sourced apple wood and oak but around the same time I bought the KBQ, I also ordered a hundred pounds of mini splits from Fruita. 50 lbs of oak, and 50 lbs. of a mix of cherry, maple, mesquite and maple.

    I also just ordered several racks of kurubota spare ribs, several packages of SRF Wagyu rib fingers and short ribs. (Last week, not three years ago!) So as soon as the rains let up in a day or two....

    Can’t wait for the first smoke!

    SWEET. Welcome to the pit of... smoking


      Welcome! I love my KBQ, I think you will enjoy learning on yours.


        Looks like new. Welcome from Virginia!


          Greetings and welcome from North Carolina.


            Howdy from Kansas Territory, Welcome to Th Pit!

            Lookin forward to learnin along with, an from ya!


              Well that was one of the more eye catching intros I've seen... Welcome!


                Welcome to The Pit.


                  " Sometime in the early 2000s I took a sabbatical and moved to New York to go to the French Culinary Institute. Graduated at the top of my class and eventually got a job working for Chris Gesualdi at Montrachet. "Quote”

                  I’ve watched the Rachel Ray cooking show before! 🙄. Welcome to The Pit! Looking forward to seeing some of your cooks.
                  Last edited by Panhead John; June 2, 2021, 06:56 AM.


                  • Dr. Pepper
                    Dr. Pepper commented
                    Editing a comment
                    And, I've watched grainy video of Panhead John watching Rachel Ray.
                    (ps Welcome from Seattle!)

                  Welcome to the Pit from another FCI alum!


                    Hello from NW Oregon,
                    Have not used it in 3 years, rename it with a pet name. One close to your heart.
                    Happy smoking to you and BBQ too.


                      Welcome! I look forward to seeing your cooks and cooking area. Make sure to post up some pictures of your maiden voyage with the KBQ.

                      Let us know if you have any questions or anything, you are gonna love it!

                      Thank you for the support!


                        Welcome from the California Delta.


                          RickyG You are going to have 2 challenging issues. Sourcing local hard wood and keeping it dry enough. As far as the wood goes, any fruit or nut wood will do. Buying wood from Fruita is going to get expensive fast. The KBQ uses a lot of wood. I would suggest a series of test cooks to dail in the KBQ to the smoke profile (taste) you want with judicial use of the top poppet. Do not try to ration your wood too much and compromise your coal bed. What area of PI are in. I was there many year ago.

                          Welcome to The Pit.


                            Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.

                            lostclusters the fruita order was just so I’d have a baseline to compare to. That was ordered at the same time as the KBQ. I can get oak and applewood and other fruit woods locally. I ordered another 100 lbs and will be checking moisture content. I’m in Metro Manila.



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