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How far would you drive to buy a used Weber kettle?

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    How far would you drive to buy a used Weber kettle?

    I need another Weber kettle like I need another hole in my head as they saying goes but I still search craigslist looking for a good deal on an oldie. I try to only look local. why do i not only look local? well, I found two great deals today and both are a good two hour drive away. so I'm going to share these finds with any of you in the San Diego, CA, area. I know you'll love them. cheers!

    early model RED kettle Performer $300 -
    Click image for larger version

Name:	00Y0Y_lzJn3Th0vXjz_0jm0ew_1200x900.jpg
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ID:	993870

    1976-77 Weber kettle $100. check out the cool square coal starter. -

    Click image for larger version

Name:	00202_jvhe1y3LPifz_0t20CI_1200x900.jpg
Views:	366
Size:	55.1 KB
ID:	993871

    Well I live in SD and probably wouldn't drive there considering the ask price and condition.
    Last edited by BBQPhil; February 22, 2021, 01:31 PM.


      I recently bought one much like the Performer you posted only with gas-assist. It was listed for $100 I got it for $80. I did have to replace the ash sweepers (about $20) and I got myself a Santa Maria attachment to go with it for $100. I love that grill. I had to drive about 20 minutes or so each way.


        Good question that has many answers, depending on who you ask. If I said my limit us 25 miles, and then found one that interested me, but was beyond that limit, I'd have to consider lifting the limit.

        However, IMO, $300 is too steep for that performer, even if it was next door! YMMV


        • latenight71
          latenight71 commented
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          I think 25 miles is about my limit, too. Unless it's really good. Yes, too steep on the Performer for sure.

        Yeah, my limit would be 25 miles. Unless it was in really good shape and the price was right.


          An hours drive for me is the limit.
          Gas costs factor in and your time is worth something.
          There's a few good deals on Performers up here but in most cases its 6-8 hour round trip hike.
          Might as well by brand new.


            In agreement with the few others, those prices are steep, especially door #2 chimney or not. Plus if yer burnin $40 in gas plus where in tear on the veehickle what are ya savin ya gotta figger.


            • zinfella
              zinfella commented
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              Plus longer distances can cut into happy hour time!

            I’ll drive about an hour for the right deal, but it better be good enough of a deal to offset my time and fuel.

            For as proud as that person is of that Performer, I’d figure they’d at least clean it up...


            • MBMorgan
              MBMorgan commented
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              ... and offer free delivery.

            • latenight71
              latenight71 commented
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              I like it when include a half bag of weathered charcoal with the deal like it's a free gift with your purchase - "But wait! There's More!!!"

            • USMCCrashCrew89
              USMCCrashCrew89 commented
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              Don’t forget the obligatory ash pan full of artisan cement!

            Well, it depends on what kind of kettle. $300 for the red one seems a bit high. I have been able to pick up two SSPs (one black and one plum) for free just checking Craigslist and FB Marketplace regularly. If it was a Seville or a rare model like that I would consider driving. And if the price was right on another 26 or a Ranch I could probably justify a couple hundred mile trip.


              No more than 30 minutes unless the savings amounted to hundreds of dollars then I would reconsider.


                Why on earth would I buy a used, early model performer for $300 when they're new for $400?


                • Attjack
                  Attjack commented
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                  Because the old ones are boss. However, $300 is too much.

                • Troutman
                  Troutman commented
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                  Is that anything like groovey??

                • Attjack
                  Attjack commented
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                  Troutman yeah, it's like "groovy" in fact, I think it's from the same era?

                Prices are way too high for both of those. I bought my used Performer Deluxe last spring for $200. Mint condition, 10 min away.
                My son got one late summer, also mint, $100. 15 min from him. That made me a little upset because his deal was so much better than mine!


                  4 ft


                  • ComfortablyNumb
                    ComfortablyNumb commented
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                    That's four feet more than me. Unless it was free and I needed something to plant in. Even then I probably wouldn't.

                  • Andrrr
                    Andrrr commented
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                    Gotta draw the line somewhere right?

                  • Troutman
                    Troutman commented
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                    I was gonna say 3.5 ft, am I low bidder?

                  A summit charcoal with table might have me traveling a few hundred miles, although not a Weber, a PK might have me travel an hour. I got my 22 wsm fairly loaded for $100 about 100 miles away.


                    I saw a pristine Performer here in Houston a few months back, the guy was moving and had to get rid of it. He wanted $80. By the time I called his phone had already blown up. Offered him a C note and a bottle of whiskey but he said it was gone. I agree the $300 is a joke.

                    Oh and maybe Bones will buy the old crappie one. He's the Kettle Whisperer you know !!!
                    Last edited by Troutman; February 22, 2021, 04:55 PM.


                    • Mr. Bones
                      Mr. Bones commented
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                      Hunnert is way too much fer me fer that there MBH; it's purty burned out...

                      $300 Performer ain't worth firin th truck up, neither...half that, I'd likely make a try...


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