I purchased a Weber Master Touch recently and immediately ordered a Smokenator for it. I've used the Smokenator about 3 times now and found that with proper note taking, it can be quickly mastered to achieve low and slow. I wanted to smoke some baby backs and then finish them off with a very high heat sear with just a touch of BBQ sauce on it. I didn't want to have to mess around with the Master Touch to make it a direct heat. I wanted a smaller grill for mostly direct heat so I bought the Weber Jumbo Joe. My Master Touch came with the two charcoal baskets. I found that these baskets fit almost perfectly in the Jumbo, (the grill almost rests on the tabs but mostly on the baskets). I knew that my ribs would soon be done based on the "crack" test, so I started some new briquettes in my chimney. I'm sort of lazy I guess because I use my Coleman camp stove with the chimney over one of the burners to light them. Anyway, with the charcoal baskets just under the grill on the Jumbo, I found that the heat is SUPER hot. It seared my ribs in less than a minute per side. Perhaps a little bit more work and a touch of waste of briquettes; however, if I need to do some larger cooking, this seems to be the ticket. Also, I spray a little bit of Pam inside my grills before I smoke or cook--it seems to help with the cleanup.
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Jumbo Joe Searing Machine
I have a Smokey Joe and have been eyeing the Jumbo for a while. If I could have done it over I would have gotten the Jumbo instead of the Smokey. Rick13175 - instead of going for a fast sear (it's a technique I've used countless times when I've smoked ribs a few days ahead of their consumption. Plenty of sauce and baste and sear on a gasser at the highest possible heat until a good glaze develops and the ribs are heated through. However, with the Smokenator you can apply sauce about an hour before the cook is complete and even at the low/slow temp you'll have a nice glaze when it comes out of the cooker.
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