I’ve just begun trying out B&B Charcoal and so far I am impressed. It does seem to burn hotter and longer than Kingsford, with less ash. Buying the brightest at Ace hardware.
Yesterday’s effort was two St. Louis racks, flat, with a snake setup on a 22’ Weber stacking the B&B in two rows, with them leaning on each other rather than a third row on top. Daytime temp topped 100 degrees so ambient temp played a part, but I was able to get it to run right around 250. No wrap, just let them go until bend test said good which was around 4.5 hours. I’d say the coals left in the snake would have been good for another 3 hours, maybe longer so I’lol try the same setup for a pork butt.
I’m really loving to learn how to do low & slow on the Weber.
Yesterday’s effort was two St. Louis racks, flat, with a snake setup on a 22’ Weber stacking the B&B in two rows, with them leaning on each other rather than a third row on top. Daytime temp topped 100 degrees so ambient temp played a part, but I was able to get it to run right around 250. No wrap, just let them go until bend test said good which was around 4.5 hours. I’d say the coals left in the snake would have been good for another 3 hours, maybe longer so I’lol try the same setup for a pork butt.
I’m really loving to learn how to do low & slow on the Weber.