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What off brand cover for my son's 26" Kettle

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    What off brand cover for my son's 26" Kettle

    I know off brand covers have been discussed several times here, but I couldn't find any of the threads. I went back over two years in the Weber forum but didn't see anything. My Son is looking for a cover and was shocked at the price of the Weber cover...


    Good question. I gave up covering my cookers because the covers trap dew and they never dry out.


    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
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      Yep, I have noticed that trapped dew too. So in between rains, I will heat up my grill just to keep it dry. This works for me.
      Long live BBQ and PBR too.

    • Attjack
      Attjack commented
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      That was my thought too untill my 26 starting rusting and the welds failed. Now I'm covering any grill not under a roof.


    I got this for mine and never felt like anything else would be much of an improvement


      I have covers from The Cover Store on the web that are made well, are thicker than Weber covers and less expensive.


      • Steve R.
        Steve R. commented
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        I was ready to pull the trigger on one of these for my Blackstone griddle. I ended up going with another one from Home Depot, but The Cover Store makes some really nice stuff that you can customize.

      • kjbarth
        kjbarth commented
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        +1 on The Cover Store. The cover material lasts a long time, is basically waterproof, and lets water vapor under the cover escape. I have a cover for my big Weber Summit E670, WSM, and one of my 22 kettles, and also have a cap cover on my hot tub.

      I bought this one for $21. Seems pretty good for the price.


        Bought 2 iCover brand covers from Amazon. Decent quality and less than half the cost of Weber.


          Thanks all. I have passed the recommendations to my Son.


            I don't need a cover. but if I did, I'd have to look at this one pretty hard, and it comes in 4 sizes. Just click on "view more" after the link below loads. HTH

            Last edited by zinfella; March 30, 2021, 10:44 AM.


            • Attjack
              Attjack commented
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              That's not a cover for a 26" kettle.

            • zinfella
              zinfella commented
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              It does allow room in case he ads a Performer like table.

   I have three of these at the house and two at the lake house. They are phenomenal. For $60 bucks they are definitely worthy the money. I’ve had the three at my house for 4 years now - they are under the patio, although one does get half day sun and is still doing well. Not brittle and hasn’t faded. The material is sunbrella, so holds up well.


            • ofelles
              ofelles commented
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              2nd this. 2 years on my Klose grill and still looks new.


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