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MCS! 8-0 Please, Yall: Tell Me Why Not...;)

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    MCS! 8-0 Please, Yall: Tell Me Why Not...;)

    I fully realize that this here, bein Th #1 BBQ Site on Earth, what with Membership in excess of 17, 000 / 87% Retention Rate, has some talented, experienced folks, what could in theory, help me avert th Tragic Mistake of offerin $4000, meetin in th middle, an rollin ~ 75 miles south/southwest, to go an drag this Beastie home...

    Countin on yall, now...

    Smoker Link

    Manufacturer Link
    Last edited by Mr. Bones; June 4, 2021, 09:22 PM. Reason: 2%

    All your kettles would be jealous?


    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
      Editing a comment
      Temporarily, perhaps, but I will always find a way, or Make A Way to restore Peace in th Valley...nuthin less is acceptable!

    You need to conserve your wood for the fireplace? Smokey might decide it would make a great cat house and move in? It is built like a tank and we all know you Navy guys want things built like a battleship?


      Yer gonna spend a lot more $$ on meat.


        During these here tragic times we know it’s tough fer ya. We all give ya the moral support that ya need in over comin this affliction of confliction, yessir. We will think of ya & sleep on it with ya. Git er done, yessir!


          Appreciatin th support, thus far, Brothers!

          I was not in th Fleet Navy, an by far more experienced with tanks Great try, though Donw
          BTW: Wood

          Onliest thing I can come up with, so far, is it might need a trailer ball size what I don't have lol! Hail, that'll likely cost me twenty, thirty bucks extry...
          Last edited by Mr. Bones; June 4, 2021, 09:20 PM.


          • Mr. Bones
            Mr. Bones commented
            Editing a comment
            Good Point, well made, Brother... RonB ...
            Last edited by Mr. Bones; June 4, 2021, 09:21 PM.

          Minor correction: >87% renewal rate!


          • Mr. Bones
            Mr. Bones commented
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            Thanks, Brother! OP duly keerected...

          Wowser that’s a pretty awesome deal. Be hard to pass up if I were a guy like you who could take advantage of a pit like that. Close to home too. My my. Thinking I’d be taking various trailer hitch combos and heading south.

          Good luck!



          • Mr. Bones
            Mr. Bones commented
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            It is, indeed, one Hailuvva Deal, Amigo!!!

            Definitely what makes it more difficult to resist...

            All I ever see fer online trailer smokers is various cobbled together carpshoot...

            There's Math, Science, etc. involved in makin a cooker breathe right... not rollin that kinda cabbage on a homebrew, nossir...

          Don’t worry Mr. Bones, I saved ya. Just got done backin her into my garage minutes ago


          • Mr. Bones
            Mr. Bones commented
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            Whew! I was hopin somebody would, Brother!

          She's a beaut, Clark. I say if'n you have the funds then there's likely no better use for 'em than this, from my point of view anyway, having zero responsibility in the decision.


            Holy smokes!


            • Mr. Bones
              Mr. Bones commented
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              Indeed, Brother!

              Best deal I've ever run acrosst on a trailer rig of any known mfr, an quality level...

              Kinda hard to ignore it, might tide me over til I can retire, move back down to TX, an git me an LSG, I'd reckon.

            • RonB
              RonB commented
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              Mr. Bones sorry to go the other way, but with a deal this good, ya might be able to use it fer a few years and sell it for what ya got in it. Then buy the LSG.

            • Mr. Bones
              Mr. Bones commented
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              Oh, Brother! RonB
              Yer goin same same zackly way ahm'a goin, not counterwise...
              No sorry needed;, ya never done me no dirt, ever, an yer right on toppa what my short term is lookin like, good lord willin, an th crick don't rise, Brother!

              Sell th sumbiscuiteater, move back to TX, lay down, in a cool, quiet place, let em insert th LSG IV into my arm, an jus wait a spell, til alla th weldins done...

            From my rec-election of past posts here in this here webernet, you do street/neighborhood cooks. Would this fantabulous cooker meet those needs? Do you have a good source of logs to feed the beastie?


            • Mr. Bones
              Mr. Bones commented
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              I like to think it would buy me some much needed time, an not haveta run / regulate multiple dragons, under duress..., at least...there is, indeed, some dollar value in that relief.

              Last edited by Mr. Bones; June 5, 2021, 10:46 AM.

            • JimLinebarger
              JimLinebarger commented
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              Mr. Bones I had to laugh at that wood question. So, you are all set with wood fer the 2020's. Now gotta look into the 2030's.

            • Mr. Bones
              Mr. Bones commented
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              Mr. Bones I had to laugh at that wood question. So, you are all set with wood fer the 2020's. Now gotta look into the 2030's.
              I'd like to think I'm safely covered, through 4tha July, at least, Brother!
              Last edited by Mr. Bones; June 5, 2021, 05:59 PM.

            Man....With the price of gas and the projected meat shortages it is going to cost you alot to drive there and then maybe you just will not find anything to cook on that beast. That is one fine looking cooker though and I am betting that if you have the itch nothing we say is going to stop you from scratching


            • gmascolo51
              gmascolo51 commented
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              He’s going to smoke vegetables on it so no worries on price and shortage of meat.

            Nuther thing; ain't seein me no spare tire, neither...

            not a deal breaker, but foresight, might haveta pass., lol



              That thing looks mighty fine.....wondering why all pictures are inside? Hmmmm, new paint, refinished wood.
              Is there someplace to check if this one is just a little too hot?


              • Mr. Bones
                Mr. Bones commented
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                Looks like it lives inside.
                I kinda doubt that if it was hot, th seller would make it a point to post its Serial Number, but point well taken; don't leap blindly, without analysis: sometimes, ain't no water in th pool...

              • HawkerXP
                HawkerXP commented
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                Just be cautious. Data plate held on by pop rivets? No overspray on data plate?

                You got it....

              • Mr. Bones
                Mr. Bones commented
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                I wear a 1911A1 an a Kabar to th bathroom, so trust me on bein suspicious of any trickery, tomfoolery, etc., an cautious, of course...

                Pity ThFool
                Interrupt My Stool!!!

                Would, decidedly, NOT end up so danged well, fer th perp...
                Last edited by Mr. Bones; June 6, 2021, 08:07 AM.


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