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WSM Extra Racks ??

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    WSM Extra Racks ??

    Curious to know if anyone has purchased any mods that allow you to add a rack (or more) to your WSM ?? They exist, but I want to know if they are any good

    I’ve seen the mods that let you add another section to the WSM body and get another rack, but haven’t seen the point. Might make sense on a smaller WSM if you are going to cook for a big crew


      Interesting. I have never used both racks at the same time and usually only use the top one. I've yet to buy any mods for the WSM, though came close to buying an insulated blanket for it but decided to take a pass.


        ecopower --- the deal is , I'm trying to max the use of the WSM if I have more folks than usual to feed, AND I want to be portable . To wit , this past Saturday I smoked up 40 chicken thighs/drumsticks for a daughter and 20 + of her friends; 20 on one rack , 20 on the other. It was out of town, so I broke the WSM down , put it in the back of a surburban, and we were good. If there had been 8-10 more folks, then the extra rack would have been good .

        Radiodome --- I've used both racks (3 racks of ribs on both top and bottom --- works great.


        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          Points duly awarded, both fer utlilizin th 18" WSM in such a fashion, an usin a Suburban to transport it...

          Last edited by Mr. Bones; August 8, 2021, 07:15 PM. Reason: nunya

        That's hysterical. I have offered to break down my WSM - 18.5 - and throw that in our Traverse and bring, well anywhere, but my wife, and 2 kids have said they can do without having to smell that thing in the car. Kudos!


          Marinehead you’re cooking on a WSM 18? I’ve always thought that it needed a bit more room. My WSM 22 can do 6 pork butts or 12 racks of ribs pretty easily (with rib racks). I’m not sure how much difference in performance there will be adding a body extender and rack, but might be a better choice than a second WSM.

          I saw this on Cajun Bandit that might be the best bet, since you don’t have change the actual dimensions of the WSM body.


          • Troutman
            Troutman commented
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            This is your best bet for sure. CB has all the right stuff to mod your WSM.

          When I had a WSM 18, I added a middle rack. No special brackets needed. Just remove the middle screws that hold the current brackets. Replace with screws that are around 1/2 inch longer. The new rack will rest on the longer screws. I used the top and middle racks primarily since the temps were closer than the top and bottom racks.


            Appreciate all the feedback —- for the record , the WSM I have is a 22.5 , not the 18. Still, you can break that puppy down , throw it in the surburban , and take it on the road. I’ve done it a few times .

            troutman - Went to CB (Cajun Bandit). , and told them I want the extra rack set up . That will get thrown in the suburban as well for away games 😁🥩😁

            Semper Fi Bones !!!


              Jlazar — you gave me an idea ….. if I follow thru w/ what I’m thinkin regarding your longer screws , I will let you know —



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