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and another new PBC owner!

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    and another new PBC owner!

    So excited, mine showed up yesterday, can't wait to try her out. Most likely not until next weekend. Still I feel I should break it in, but they claim no. What do you guys and gals recommend? Jim

    I recommend you cook on it immediately!
    It will give you a good chance to get the lighting procedure right and make sure the settings are correct to hold the right temp. Some ribs would be good, though most seem to do chicken first.


      That's funny. I am doing chicken first at my dads request. He will be in town for a visit next weekend. I was surprised as he always loves my ribs on my WSM. I'm hoping the lighting procedure isn't that much different to the WSM. I might let the pit level for an hour before cooking from what I read around here. Jim


      • fzxdoc
        fzxdoc commented
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        Congrats on your new toy, Jim!

        No need to break it in, it's ready to go right out of the box. Couldn't be easier. I know some people who have thrown a chicken on within half an hour of taking the PBC out of the box. It's so much fun--you're going to love it.

        Noah has a video about the correct lighting procedure for the PBC which you may want to view on the Pit Barrel site. Also, there's a sticky topic on this PBC sub forum where lots of folks talk about how they light their PBCs and how they maintain desired temps. You may want to take a peek at that as well.

        I've done several chickens on the PBC and I would hang the chickens immediately after replacing the rebars because those higher initial temps help to dry the skin out in preparation for crisping it up. Be sure to watch the video on the Pit Barrel site--it gives you a good place to start. After you do one chicken Noah's way you can start tweaking the process. Just my 2 pennies' worth.

        Last edited by fzxdoc; September 27, 2014, 10:52 AM.

      • _John_
        _John_ commented
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        I am one of those people, chicken was cut and prepped while I waited for the delivery.

      Congrats Jim!


      • 3DJ
        3DJ commented
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        Thanks Jon. Just couldn't help myself. You know how it is.

      • Jon Solberg
        Jon Solberg commented
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        I hear ya man. Just don't bail on us over at the bullet. ; )

      • 3DJ
        3DJ commented
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        Jon, never gonna ignore my WSM! Hopefully I'll just be cooking twice as much!
        I plan on being here and there.

      I cooked ribs first. Blew everything I ate before out the water......chicken came much later, due to me filling that sucker up with briskets and butts.

      I did 2 butts and a brisket yesterday.


      • smarkley
        smarkley commented
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        whew... Jerod you are a PBC over-achiever I can't believe the amounts you cook on your cooker.

      • PaulstheRibList
        PaulstheRibList commented
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        Jerod, you cooked 2 butts and a brisket in a single PBC? Wow!

      Mine should be here next week.


        Getting even more excited ! Can't wait to fire her up !


          Not sure what you are waiting for. I was cooking on mine within 20 minutes.


            Chicken is easy, ribs almost as, go for it!


              Resistance is futile. Crank it up bro!


                My life hasn't been the same since I got the PBC. And I drove a miles round trip to pick it up from a retailer.


                  I made a temp. ash pan so I could cook on mine ASAP....


                    THEY'RE MULTIPLYING!!


                    • smarkley
                      smarkley commented
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                      It's a virus, Huskee! The daggum thing makes us look like geniuses!

                    I can't say anything bad about the PBC and it seems like a good cooker from what all I have read about them plus the videos that I watch on youtube. But I will just stick with my Lang and if I want to do a small cook I will dig the WSM out which I haven't cook on this year. I'm thinking about digging it out next weekend to do some beef jerky. The Lang will be busy next weekend cooking. a brisket, 4 racks of BBs, 2 chickens, some Jalapena poppers and some pig candy.Going to be a busy weekend and looking forward to it. I will try post some pics.


                    • Ernest
                      Ernest commented
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                      I'll give you 2 months. You'll have a PBC by Christmas

                    • DWCowles
                      DWCowles commented
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                      No Ernest I don't have no desire in getting a PBC because I enjoy smoking with ALL wood to much but the PBC looks like it would be fun to cook with.

                    Congrats Jim! Report back on your first cook ok?



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