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Paprika Recipe Organization Apps 40-50% Off

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    I’ve been tinkering with it a couple days, and here’s how I find it most useful:

    You know how you’re reading a website,or a blog or a news site,and you come across a recipe and think, "Oh, that looks good!", but you flip forward, and you never remember the recipe? Now you can save it to Paprika.

    You know how you’ll have a recipe stored on your phone, but now you’re in the kitchen and it would be so much easier to work from your iPad? Well, the Android and iOS versions sync.

    You know how you look through several different versions of a recipe, and then make something that takes a little bit of this, and a little bit of those other two? Download the one that is closest to what you want to do, and edit in the changes you want to make.

    Also, you can make notes and markers for instructions that might not be clear, but that you figured out while making the dish.

    This is only after having it a couple days. I’ve already added my few cookie recipes, I only make cookies once or twice every few years: now I don’t have to search any more.


    • barelfly
      barelfly commented
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      You mean.....leaving 20-30 recipes open in browser windows on your phone is not how it’s supposed to be done???

      Thanks for the few tips. I like how this sounds and works.

    The free version has exactly the same functionality as the paid version, except it only saves up to 50 recipes in case you want to try it before you buy it.. The regular price for the paid version is $4.99 for ios and android.


      Just downloaded. Will give it a try.


        I have never organized any of my cooks, but since seeing such good reviews, I picked this up. Now to see if I actually will use it.


          Found an old iTunes gift card and used it for this. I spent the rest of the evening organizing my recipes. Thanks!


            Originally posted by Richard Chrz View Post
            I have never organized any of my cooks, but since seeing such good reviews, I picked this up. Now to see if I actually will use it.
            I used to keep a handwritten cooking log for each cook, back in the day. Then I got the Fireboard and use its features to log the specifics of each cook as it goes along.

            But for grilling/bbq recipes where I don't use an ambient thermometer and the Fireboard App, Paprika is perfect, especially when I want to tweak something the next time I try a technique or a grilling recipe.

            I find Paprika handy as well for keeping a log of my sous vide cooks, since the Joule app lacks a note-taking feature, something I think it really needs.



            • eby
              eby commented
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              You can add lots of pictures to recipes with paprika (not just the thumbnail) so can add images of fireboard cooks, how it turned out, etc. I haven't used it extensively other than adding some 'why' photos to some I put 1 start ratings on.

            So far I’m liking it but wish it could read pdf files. While I have my binders I also store every recipe as a pdf in a Dropbox folder. I have attempted to cut and paste several into the app but wish for a more elegant solution for importing my own recipes.


              So what is the coupon code? for the Windows desktop sale pricing.


              • Donw
                Donw commented
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                No coupon required through November. On their site the Windows version is listed at the sale price of 14.99.

              Am I correct assuming this is a buy-it-own-it app, not a subscription? As techy as I can be with some things --I haven't touched a paper newspaper or written a check or made a payment by mail in many years, and I start my truck with my phone-- I have a collection of sticky notes for all my recipes and I Google the ones I can't find the papers to. I am interested in this.


              • fzxdoc
                fzxdoc commented
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                Yes, it is a buy-it-own-it app.


              Did not even know it existed. Checking it out for the first time. looks like a winner.


                I picked it up for three bucks and am really enjoying it.


                  I have used Paprika for several years now and absolutely love it. I have tried others and got rid of them quick. I have the iOS and Windows versions. I also used the print feature to print a whole bunch of recipes out (some after I hand wrote them in from memory) for my daughter and made a cookbook for her for Christmas last year. She loved it and it really looked nice too.

                  This is one app purchase I would do over and recommend to anyone looking for a recipe app.


                  • IowaGirl
                    IowaGirl commented
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                    tamidw -- I'm new to Paprika so asking a newbie question. Is there a way to print a bunch of recipes all in one operation? Or do you have to print each one individually? I don't use a computer or phone in the kitchen. Instead I keep my favorite recipes in a binder in the kitchen, each recipe in a plastic sleeve. Also, like you, I want to print off my favorites to make a cookbook for my son.

                  • tamidw
                    tamidw commented
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                    IowaGirl sadly, I believe the only way to print is by individual recipe. I have also looked on the PC app and I don't see any option to print multiple recipes at once.

                    You can do an export to HTML and then select all recipes from that and do a print. That is probably the best way to and the format is still nice.

                  • IowaGirl
                    IowaGirl commented
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                    Thanks for the tips. Your suggestion to export to HTML and then print sounds like the best way to go.

                  So this bit is probably a little platform specific, but in Paprika, you can click the Cart icon in a recipe and it will add the ingredient list to a grocoery list. You can either simply shop from that or, on the Mac, you can export to the Reminders app. For those on other platforms, check out that basic sequence and see if you can export to a reminders app. Even if not, you can shop using the Paprika list


                    Thanks eby ! I have been wanting something like this so I can get rid of all bt bookmarked recipes!


                      Wow, this is going to be great to get everything in one place on the iPad. Thanks for the tip, never knew about it until this post. Thanks.



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