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When You Drop A Thermapen

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    When You Drop A Thermapen

    So, I dropped my trusty Thermapen Mk IV. Fortunately, the circuit board and the guts of the thing survived the drop. But the case was trashed pretty good from the 4 foot drop onto concrete.

    I took a picture, jumped on a chat session on the Thermoworks support website. And within 10 minutes they were sending me a brand new case, at no cost, not even shipping. Replacing it was pretty easy. Thermapen good as new!

    Case was cracked badly and no longer waterproof
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Views:	585
Size:	205.9 KB
ID:	1056592

    Well, that's ugly. Wait until you see what bits of blue plastic are from
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ID:	1056593

    The g forces from the drop and impact on concrete broke the thingamajigs that hold the bolt receptacles ..... that's not good!
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ID:	1056591

    But here she is, good as new, working great and looking good!
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Size:	102.8 KB
ID:	1056590

    Foiled attempt to get a Thermapen one? Guess you’ll have to try harder.


    • ecowper
      ecowper commented
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      Heh, they offered me that option. I could send my Mk IV back and get a One for 40% off. I was tempted

    I was hoping to see the guts.


    • ecowper
      ecowper commented
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      dang, should have taken that picture too. Now that this one has been taken apart, I guess it's no biggie if I take it apart again

    Very cool. I added the silicone boot to all mine just because I can be clumsy and do drop mine occasionally. Reminds me of our local Motorola service guy who works on our company radios. First words out of his mouth is always "How high did you drop it from?"


    • CaptainMike
      CaptainMike commented
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      Dang, I've used Motorolas my whole career and never busted one. Never even seen one busted up. I did see one fall out of a guys radio pocket into a creek one time, that pretty much did it in. I ran over my Motorola cell phone with a fire engine once and that REALLY did it in! Busting radios must be your Super Power.

    • Donw
      Donw commented
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      I don’t break the radios, I just get to pay for the repairs.🙁

    That looks like it was smoked at 225 for an hour or two……jus sayin’


      So nice to hear that they fixed ya right up, Brother...Gots me an IR Gun, has developed a pixely thingy, in th upper rh of screen...never been wet, never been dropped, never been jostled in a drawer, always had it's own Sanctuary...might haveta email em, see what might happens...
      Last edited by Mr. Bones; July 7, 2021, 05:55 PM.


      • ecowper
        ecowper commented
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        I have one of their IR guns, too …. Love it. You should see if they can help you out.

      Really like to read about that level of customer service.


      • ecowper
        ecowper commented
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        It was not even under warranty anymore. They offered a couple of options for discounted new therms. Told them I really loved the Mk IV and just wanted it working again. They sent me the new case at no cost. I offered to pay for the case and the shipping.

      That is better customer service than the manufacturer here in the UK, ETI. I cracked the housing of my Mark IV when closing the kitchen drawer with the Thermapen stuck and contacted ETI for repair options. They were happy to repair but would cost around $50. Instead I replaced it with a new Mark IV on offer for around $66. I don’t like to see things go to waste though and may have the broken one repaired anyway.


        Wow, nice outcome. Kudos to Thermoworks for their excellent customer service, in the US at least.



          Yea but when you drop a Thermopen in the forest, does anyone really hear it?

          Click image for larger version

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Size:	141.6 KB
ID:	1057260


          • RichieB
            RichieB commented
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            Just the crying.

          • ecowper
            ecowper commented
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            man, I got nothing ..... but I am laughing

          • Spinaker
            Spinaker commented
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          Sorry this happened, but great to hear TW took care of you. Good people over there.



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