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In search of WSCG cleaning tips

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    In search of WSCG cleaning tips

    OK, WSCG die hards, I have been using the WSCG more and running into issues with the top damper sticking a lot. Do any of you have any magic tricks for de-gunking it? Also, any good thoughts on tools for cleaning carbon build up off the lid. I know I can just use a rag, but would like something that might scrape a little more thoroughly.

    CaptainMike fzxdoc lonnie mac Andrrr

    I'm not much of a neat freak (also read pretty lazy) when it comes to my grills. Not a slob, but keeping them in tip top shape is not a priority. That said, I generally give the vent a bunch of turns once it warms up and then a few more turns (if I remember) when I'm done cooking. As far as the carbon build up in the lid I use the coal rake to scrape off the loose stuff and maybe follow up a light pass with a wire brush.
    Last edited by CaptainMike; May 8, 2021, 06:38 PM.


      I’ve had my top vent get sticky before but I don’t know how it was fixed. Whatever it was it wasn’t intentional. I’m wondering if the occasional vortex usage does the high heat cleaning for me? Try doing some delicious wing research with the vortex and see if that helps.
      As for the lid I don’t pay much attention to it. If By chance I notice some buildup I will use my Lodge CI scraper. It came in a two pack so I keep one in the house and one out by the grills. They are the best tool I’ve come across for cleaning gunk out of grills and they’re cheap! The different curvatures on it are really helpful in cleaning out my Webers, especially the sidewalls of the WSCG that seem to catch a lot of drippings as well as down by the ash sweep. Plus they’re plastic so no worrying about scratching anything.

      Clean every corner of your grill pans, skillets and other cookware with Pan Scrapers at Lodge Cast Iron, offering cast iron accessories, kitchen utensils & more.

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      • Panhead John
        Panhead John commented
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        glitchy Don’t be goin hog wild on the spending there buddy! You got a big trip coming up. Plus, remember on the phone that night? you said you were buying all my drinks and food.

      • glitchy
        glitchy commented
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        Panhead John Your old age is getting to you again, you said since I was coming so far to meet your sorry butt, you were buying all my drinks and food. You really should see a doctor before that memory gets any worse.

      • Panhead John
        Panhead John commented
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        I’m tellin ya, there ain’t nuttin wrong with my memory David.

      On my Weber Kettle lids, i run a nylon BBQ grill brush around the inside once build up is present. Never do this with a hot grill lid or the nylon brush is a melted mess
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Smoked Transistors; May 9, 2021, 09:58 AM.


      • glitchy
        glitchy commented
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        Thanks, I ordered one of those to try.

      I give the WSCGC vent a spin when I'm cleaning up the day after every cook, and if it feels gunky I use a Lysol wipe to clean whatever portion is accessible through the holes, so I've never had to worry with a sticky vent problem. For the inside of the lid, I usually give it a swipe with my cleaning cloth, again after each cook, so there's really no buildup to speak of.

      To clean the inside of the kamado portion, I use a plastic scraper like the Lodge one that Andrrr mentioned.

      Last edited by fzxdoc; May 10, 2021, 07:06 AM.


        Lowes has plastic 2" scrapers in the paint section for $1.00 Get a couple, they are great! As for the outside and the vent, I used Windex. That cleaned up the gunk on the vent right away. Someone said that Weber also recommends Windex for cleaning.


        • Panhead John
          Panhead John commented
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          +1 on the scraper. I’ve got a few 2” metal putty knives that work great. Scrape inside the lid or the bowl top to bottom instead of side to side. Works better.

        Thanks everyone. I might try the Windex The Marshal even though I’m not real fond of many chemicals somewhere they could later drip on food if I don’t get it all off.

        I have a large assortment of plastic scrapers or putty knives just for the grills. I was just hoping to find something that will follow the contours of the lid better I think those Lodge pan scrapers might be the trick.
        Last edited by glitchy; May 11, 2021, 07:43 PM.


          I use the weber grill safe citrus based cleaner on the inside every once in a while, then a plastic scrapper on the tough bits. That way I don't have to worry about the chemicals...but I have pulled out the windex from time to time!


          • glitchy
            glitchy commented
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            I do have a bottle of the Traeger equivalent non-toxic cleaner that I use for deep cleaning a couple times a year. Also, just discovered the Dawn Power Wash stuff that I have yet to try on grilling stuff, but works wonders on caked on pots and pans. Might have to try the Weber cleaner when the Traeger is gone as I prefer to support the former company over the latter these days.


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