I'm headed out West this Summer and I'm bringing my small smoker. I'm planning on getting some Bison ribs and/or brisket in South Dakota. Surprisingly there's no skivvy here about any specific quirks associated with smoking Bison. I'm sure there's someone out there who has perfected this??? Any way, are the cooking temps and pull temps similar for Bison to beef ribs/brisket? I'm wondering if the Bison is leaner with less collagen? Does this change the smoking methods. I'm figuring on starting with the traditional Simon & Garfunkel Rub and maybe a vinegar based (sweet/tart) dipping sauce. Hey, any experience or input is appreciated!
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Bison Ribs:
Well, I haven’t smoked Bison, let alone a "brisket". But yes it is leaner as in very. I’ve only done steaks a friend gave me & ground meat. Used it in meatloaf, not exclusive, & burgers not exclusive, having to add some beef & fat. Info will be on the way & or
do research.Last edited by FireMan; May 8, 2021, 01:08 PM.
I have not done bison ribs, but have smoked several bison roasts, so I’ll relate my experience with those. It is a lean meat that will quickly dry out if overcooked. I found that we liked it best around a finished temperature of 150. My first one I went for my normal 130-135 finish, and it just wasn’t done enough. I also found that the best results were with wrapping in foil once I got some smoke and crust on it, and I never wrap anything else that I cook.
i can only only suggest wrapping the ribs earlier than you would normally do, or consider cooking them Blasphemy style as individual ribs. I think either way would help.
Hmm, interesting discussion.... I know from working with venison that the roasts and steaks are much leaner but I'm suspecting that there has to be some collagen in the bison ribs that would melt at a higher temp. I haven't found a smoke recipe that satisfies me for venison ribs mostly because the venison fat has that gamey flavor that we're not accustomed too. I've settled on braising them and get good results that way. Moose and elk are much more bland. I'm thinking/hoping that bison ribs might be the answer. This will be an interesting smoke. Good info that they are good by just grilling them, that leads me to believe that an underlying enjoyable flavor is there. I'd like to end up with a smoked rib with a crusty bark and a sweet tart dipping sauce. We'll see...
Gamey also depend on what kinda deer yer knockin down, in yer particular neck o th woods...
Mule Deer? White Tail? or some them lil arsed Southern sumbiscuiteaters I see posted online, "Mighty Hunters" Proudly posed all up with, bout th size what we call 'German Shephard', hereabouts lol
Done et me some deer, rightly reckon, alla my recollectible life. (Our food come from Nature, not th Icebox, mostly. Never had me no Gamey. Deer
Now, Raccoon is a whole nuther story...eek: Learnin Curve
Ive done numerous bison ribs. I also did a bison brisket once. Bison ribs are delicious! The brisket was a fun experiment, but in my opinion the meat was lacking flavor and a little bit too tough and dry when finished. No other animal has "brisket" quite the same like that of a brisket from a cow.
I have found bison ribs cook similar to beef ribs-just less time on the smoker. Im a salt and pepper kind of guy when it comes to beef, and have found that is the combo I like with bison as well. I would suggest cooking the bison in a similar way that you would cook a beef product. Just being more cautious about the fact that it is leaner and has less wiggle room for over cooking. Therefore you might want to consider wrapping in foil (Texas crutch: https://amazingribs.com/more-techniq...speed-cooking/) And heres a recipe from Clint Cantwell from the Kingsford website (https://www.kingsford.com/recipe/sou...rn-bison-ribs/)
Best of luck to you! Let us know how it goes.
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Lemme axe ya this: I find that th ground bison I gits, an use frequently, all on it's lonesome, yeah, SPOG added, on accounta I always do dat), it tastes kinda sweet, when it's jus done cookin...some simmerin time, in some chili, or whatever, that taste is gone...have ya ever experienced dat???
Im a really simple person ​​​​​​​🤣 so I pretty much have only cooked ground bison in a skillet, with salt and pepper. So, I have never experienced the diminishment of that sweet flavor on ground bison. But you may have just encouraged me to experiment a little bit.
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