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Started my first QVQ chuck roast

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    Started my first QVQ chuck roast

    Inspired by this channel, I started my first QVQ cook. The chuck roast was dry brined for 24 hours, rubbed with Not Just for Beef Rub (salt-free, from SNS Grills), then cooked low and slow using the Slow N Sear in my SNS Kamado. I put a couple of chunks of post oak under the coals, and filled the water reservoir. It reached 135 in about two hours. Now the roast is in the sous vide with about 53 more hours to go. From there, I'll shock it in an ice bath and then put it back on the grill at around 350 to finish. I'm super excited to try this technique: many thanks to all of you for your posts on this topic. More pictures to follow as I progress.
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    I find your post interesting and like to read about the finished product.


      Looking forward to your followup posts here. Enjoy the cook.



        Looking forward to hearing how this goes, and seeing more pictures of the cook!


          Would be interested to know the weight and thickness of the roast.


          • KabBBQ
            KabBBQ commented
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            2.77 lbs, 2 inches.

          Yes, waiting for the results too. I have done a chuck roast SVQ and the results were simply amazing. Expecting you will experience the same with QSVQ. Can't wait to see !


            Spa time ends in 7 hours. About 2 quarts evaporated since the start of the sous vide session. I’ve pinched it but can’t tell if I should pull it so I’m going for the entire 72 hour bath.
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            Last edited by KabBBQ; January 20, 2021, 03:02 PM.


              You’ll love it. I do these every other week, smoke it on Sunday and start it in the sous vide take it out when I get home from work on Wednesday evening then into an ice bath and refrigerator. Then it’s ready whenever my wife wants to cook a quick dinner the next couple of days.


              • Doug Brown
                Doug Brown commented
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                That is exactly the possibility I was looking to explore. Starting the first Q just now, but my wife won’t be home for dinner Monday. Tuesday is my new finish line! Thanks to all for helping me do my maiden Sous Vide cook.

              Finished the cook yesterday at 350 in my SNS Kamado, removing the chuck roast at 135 internal temp. Depending on where it was cut, the doneness was between medium well and medium rare. Crunchy bark and could easily have been pulled instead of sliced.

              Lessons learned:
              1. Use less assertive rub next time as the pepperiness of the rub made the meat more pastrami-like in flavor profile.
              2. Use less kosher salt than 1/2 tsp per lb, as the long sous vide seems to have accentuated the saltiness (the rub is salt free).
              3. Putting the wood chunks below the charcoal imparted a very nice subtle smoke flavor that did not overpower.
              4. I have no idea if it would be equivalent with fewer hours in sous vide. I pinched at 24, 48, 60, and 72 and could not detect any major texture differences.
              5. If I do this again, I will do it with brisket instead of chuck roast.
              6. If I do chuck roast again, I'll smoke for a couple of hours and then braise it in a pot roast.
              List of photos in order:
              1. Chilled post-sous vide roast ready to put on the grill
              2. It's cold up here. It went down to the single digits last night.
              3. On the the Slow N Sear kamado with the Slow N Sear charcoal insert. No problem reaching and holding 350.
              4. Medium rare!
              5. Slices from the thinner end piece. Thickest smoke ring I've ever had.

              Click image for larger version

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