Saw some wild caught salmon at Costco yesterday, so I decided to Use Meathead's recipe from the site here. Only recipe change I made was doing half the filets with a honey & jerk seasoning glaze, and the other half with straight honey. Followed everything else pretty damn closely. Cooked for a touch over two hours in smoke mode on my Mak 1 Star General. Came out holymolycow awesome. Been a long time since I smoked my own salmon. The store bought stuff has nothing on this. Meathead's recipe via ko, first round.
I had never used the paper bag method for removing skins. What a great idea. Skins peeled off like nothing.
Please ignore the filet that has a chunk missing, as there was a piece knocked off by the tongs when I was moving the filets around in the grill. I had to taste test that piece to make sure the salmon wasn't poisoned.
I had never used the paper bag method for removing skins. What a great idea. Skins peeled off like nothing.
Please ignore the filet that has a chunk missing, as there was a piece knocked off by the tongs when I was moving the filets around in the grill. I had to taste test that piece to make sure the salmon wasn't poisoned.
