I am guessing I am not the only one to tweak this handy dust! Instead of 3/4 each brown and white sugar I use 1/2 each brown, white and maple sugar. Maple sugar has a distinctly maple taste and is made straight from the maple syrup process http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maple_sugar and we bought a bunch in Vermont. I also double the rosemary. What do you do to make it yours?
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Modifications to Memphis Dust
I am a new member here and a short time smoker but glad to be in this club!!! I am still in the experimentation/learning phase but very satisfied with what I have learned so far. I would love any comments for dry rub ideas and how to's. I am shy in saying that my rub is combination of two bottle rubs at this point, but I have heard before if it suits and it is a good taste then you have something, but I would still love comments on tweaking it. One of two shilling powders from super market. One bottle is sweet and smokey rub and the other is a smokehouse bourbon rub both mixed together that makes about 1 1/2 cups, I also add 1 tsp about of chili powder. It is good, very good with the sauce when done. I suspect comments I may hear though are that flavor can be enhanced in the rub if you control the amounts of ingredient you put in that throwing two bottles together doesn't exactly let you do.
Also, I have heard that basting with mustard first to put the rub on, the mustard adheres the rub and will allow caramelizing and then disappear with no flavor. Just looking for verification of this and if there is any flavor of the mustard left over? Would any mustard do?
At no store, in my entire county, do they sell ground rosemary, and I don't want to buy the quantity of leaves necessary to grind up a supply. Rather, I use the far more accessible ground thyme, and I like that quite a bit. Otherwise, I have not modified the recipe. A time is coming, however, when I'll begin experimenting. Who knows? I might end up going right back to the original (with the thyme substitute).
My current experimentation pertains to mops and sauces. I used to be a 100% dry rib guy, but lately I've been enjoying some finishing sauce as well. We'll see what I concoct.
I hear you but dried rosemary is easy yo get. I have a blendtec and man that baby can turn dried into powder pronto. Just put it in the blender if you dont have a coffee grinder... PS, mortar and pestle...not such a good idea..
I've decided that using the wonders of Amazon Prime, I'll just buy some ground rosemary and that will be that.
Meathead discusses why Rosemary is important. The coffee grinder is the fix for how to get it ground.
I personally was against using someone else's rub or sauce recipes,not to say that I wouldn't borrow ideas from others while creating mine, but just always wanted to be able to say that "yes I did make that" without telling any fibs.. That being said 10 years later and a lot of hits and misses along the way I stumbled upon this website a year or so ago and was in hog heaven with all the information that Meathead made accessible to the general public and was thoroughly impressed with all the info provided on it a well.. So that leads me back to the Memphis dust and the zen of salt combo. I made his rub a month or so ago with one small variation and that being that I cut back on the white sugar and instead used turbinado in lieu of the white as well.. It turned out awesome on my ribs and my family and friends all agreed that the flavor was spot on.. Moving forward I again last week made the MD but this time I added some of my favorite seasoning in the cabinet (Cavenders Greek Seasoning) just a couple Tblsp of it did the trick, and rubbed my boston butts down the same way,with the layer of salt first then the rub and again it turned out great. So I now have a go to rub that needs little no additions thanks to this awesome website,unless your taste buds are seeking something impaticular then my recommendation for anyone who is looking for a great rub is they should look up the Memphis Dust recipe and enjoy!
I replace the Ginger with Allspice.
I replace the Rosemary with Thyme.
I also use regular brown sugar instead of the dark b/c that is all I usually have.
I also run my rubs through a sifter to get all the chunks out.
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