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Finishing Seasonings

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    Finishing Seasonings

    Just got done watching the salt piece with Dr. Blonder and Meathead, they answered several of my questions but I have a couple more for you fine people. As they mentioned, and is mentioned elsewhere, the rub stays more or less on the outside of the meat. When I cook a pork shoulder and shred it the rub is virtually non existent except in the bark, what do you use as a finishing seasoning, if anything, to get that flavor to the center of the meat?
    I have read several sites recommending to just sprinkle some of the rub all over, but since we now know to salt in advance and remove salt from our rub, we would be adding sweetness to the meat not savoriness (which is apparently a word since auto correct didn't beat me).

    So, what do you add at the end, if anything?

    I always add the au jus back in after pulling and stir it, and a dash of rub or two to taste. Always to taste so nothing is over (or under) seasoned.


      It always seems lacking in salt to me, everyone says its great, but it seems to miss a saltiness, of course that could be me, after sucking in smoke all day and plenty of Q-lube I may just be craving it!


      • Huskee
        Huskee commented
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        I agree with you John. Finishing salt is my friend on big hunks of meat.
        Last edited by Huskee; August 6, 2014, 08:13 PM.

      • _Keith
        _Keith commented
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        Then add salt. Nobody will come and arrest you.

      • A Fid
        A Fid commented
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        I think you're on to it with being around the smoke etc. all day, I know it messes with my judgement of the final product, sometimes I can't taste the smoke until next day left overs.

      I use au jus too. I will make up a sauce lean or absent of salt. Taste your food is key before serving. If it is lacking salt, I use finishing salts which are big in grain size.


      • Huskee
        Huskee commented
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        Amen, good advice!

      Dr. Blonder talks about adding salt onto the meat at the end, so I would definitely do that (not a lot, though) now. I usually just add in some rub (the rub I use is based on Alton Brown's and has no sugar in it, so I have a modified recipe from this site - mine is also modified from Alton's because his is based on a wet brine). I use molasses to get the bark going, but that may or may not be the best way (dang, I got to go read the Zen of Sugar article again).


        Let me know what you find, quite a bit of info...on one side you add salt and get the party started, but remember the 6% solution hindered reaction and it didn't brown and crust up well.


        • fredcanfly
          fredcanfly commented
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          Dry brine definitely produces a better result in my opinion. I am wondering about which sugar might make the best crust.

        I think we need to define our balance in salt with cooking. Dry brine at the front end, cook period, then serve. At the serve, take a taste, do I need more salt? If so, add big grain salt. It's a salt balance to your taste....


        • fredcanfly
          fredcanfly commented
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          You are exactly right, sir! Now that I know the differences between big grain and small grain salt, I will definitely be able to balance the flavor out better!

        • Huskee
          Huskee commented
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          Bingo, you nailed it.


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