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My favorite Rub recipe

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    My favorite Rub recipe

    The Rub

    1 cup of dark brown sugar
    1/2 cup of paprika
    2-1/2 TBS of course black pepper
    1-1/2 tsp of chili powder
    1-1/2 TBS of garlic powder
    1-1/2 TBS of onion powder
    1 tsp of cayenne pepper
    2 TBS kosher salt

    Makes 2 cups

    Sounds good DW.
    Been using turbinado sugar in "my rub" cause I don't know how to handle the clumping with brown sugar. How do you manage it?


    • DWCowles
      DWCowles commented
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      If the brown sugar has lumps in it I just take a plate and dump the brown sugar and the paprika in it and take a fork to get the lumps out then mix it well

    • Huskee
      Huskee commented
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      FWIW I dry mine. Spread it thin on a paper plate (most will hold 1/2 - 2/3 C pretty easily I believe) and bake it at 225 for 20-30 min, let cool until hard, place in zip bag and roll & crush it up to powder.

    • _John_
      _John_ commented
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      Ummm I eat the clumps...

    I run all my rubs through a sifter. Not so much needed on my brisket rub, but I think pork ribs deserve a cleaner look.


    • DWCowles
      DWCowles commented
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      I sometimes do that too. All depends how chunky the brown sugar is.

    • Dewesq55
      Dewesq55 commented
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      I just did that. I mixed the paprika and brown sugar together. I used gloved hands to brake up the bigger lumps/clumps then sifted the whole thing. There were only a few small lumps (between the size of a mustard seed and a peppercorn) in the bottom of the sieve. I put those in my dedicated spice grinder (coffee grinder which never sees coffee) and pulverized them and added them back in. It worked perfectly.

    Darn close to my recipe, I bet the flavor is quite similar. Mine has no paprika and has more salt though since I use my full rub to dry brine when I decide to. I also use cumin in mine, but it's not enough to make it Indian or Mexican tasting like you might think. Looks good, thanks for sharing!
    Last edited by Huskee; December 6, 2014, 09:38 PM.


    • DWCowles
      DWCowles commented
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      Huskee I like southern taste and this rub to me is as close to southern taste that you can get.

    • Ray
      Ray commented
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      Huskee, how much Cumin do you use in your rub mix? I've found that Cumin overpowers anything that it's mixed in. I've been avoiding it.

    • Huskee
      Huskee commented
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      @Ray- 2tsp. It makes up only 1/5th of the total seasonings (other than salt & sugar). It's not much and you don't get a definite cumin taste. It's like bass guitar in a song, you don't really hear it but if it's missing then you'll notice.

    Looks good DWC!

    We prefer a sweeter tasting rub - especially on butts, and have come to really like HRR, but I'll give this one a shot when what I have runs out.

    We like the MMD on lean cuts of pork for that savory hint, but on fatty cuts like a butt or belly we like the sweeter (Southern-style) taste.

    Thanks for sharing!


      Among the "normal" Christmas foods, I am doing (by request) a beef roast with root veggies in a dutch oven on my charcoal table. My question is, what rub would you put on the roast? I will probably brown it in the dutch oven, then, put some red wine and beef broth and the veggies in to cook. Planning on taking the meat to 145.


        I like Big Bad Beef Rub for anything beef... it is awesome.


          I agree with smarkley. But BBBR can be pretty spicy for the average Joe who isn't expecting it. That said, beef loves salt, pepper, and garlic. Fresh herbs like thyme, sage, and basil mixed together with a little olive oil are also good on it.


          • Eastonbeef
            Eastonbeef commented
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            Throw in a touch of celery seed. It adds a fresh flavor and an ingredient that makes people wonder what that familiar taste is that they just can't put their finger on...

          I wasn't crazy about the BBBR. All I got was a straight black pepper taste. I am really liking the PBC beef and game rub, just have to not be heavy handed with it due to its saltiness. We also use a good bit of the obligatory Montreal Steak seasoning from McCormick.


            The person that requested this like spicy food, so I will probably go with the BBBR. Thanks for your help.


              My favorite is the PBC all purpose rub, but it has too much pepper for my wife. I need to reverse engineer that stuff.


              • HC in SC
                HC in SC commented
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                Tried the AP on ribs last weekend and everyone liked it including me. I'd be interested in reverse engineering both PBC rubs.

                I actually just pulled them out of the box and stowed them thinking they were 'just another' rub, but they are pretty jam-up after trying them.

              • _John_
                _John_ commented
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                They are very good. I ordered 5 lbs which is a really good deal at like $35, i'd be hard pressed to beat that myself. I would buy it without pepper if I could, but since I can't, reverse engineering is it. I've been looking forward to the make your own rub seminar since the pit launched, can't wait to see that one.

              • fzxdoc
                fzxdoc commented
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                Let's just ask Noah to make a no-salt AP rub. I looooove that stuff! But if you guys get it figured out, let us know.


              I like it DW. Will give your recipe a shot when I run out of mine


                I did a spatchcocked chicken with "The Rub". It was excellent and, the wife made mention of how good it was.

                Thanks for sharing DW.


                • DWCowles
                  DWCowles commented
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                  I'm glad you and yours like it Barry. When you get a chance try it on some ribs. I like to rub a thin coat of olive oil on the ribs, cover all over with this rub and then wrap and put in fridge overnight. Enjoy...


                Thank you sir, I will give this a try. Always good to try good southern recipes, even though I'm in the north. You folks just know good bbq...


                  I have some in the cupboard ready for the ribs.


                  • DWCowles
                    DWCowles commented
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                    Don't forget pics of the ribs whenever you cook them Barry


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