We should all be aware that better spices usually equates to better taste. That’s the theory, anyway. Maybe you have a different opinion, and that’s okay.
for high quality spices, must of us have our preferred go-to shops. Some people like Penzeys, for example. Others may prefer Spice House. Some folks may swear by the McCormicks label at their local grocery, while others may love the imported farmers market stuff.
in all the above scenarios, the expectation is that these preferred locations will charge a premium for their perceived better quality products
but…. Sometimes you need to save a bit of money
where are your go-to cheap spice shopping locations…. And does the cost savings for those less expensive products end up being noticeable in taste or flavor at all? What are the pros/cons of not spending the big bucks on jarred spices?
for high quality spices, must of us have our preferred go-to shops. Some people like Penzeys, for example. Others may prefer Spice House. Some folks may swear by the McCormicks label at their local grocery, while others may love the imported farmers market stuff.
in all the above scenarios, the expectation is that these preferred locations will charge a premium for their perceived better quality products
but…. Sometimes you need to save a bit of money
where are your go-to cheap spice shopping locations…. And does the cost savings for those less expensive products end up being noticeable in taste or flavor at all? What are the pros/cons of not spending the big bucks on jarred spices?