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Spice purchasing question

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    Spice purchasing question

    We should all be aware that better spices usually equates to better taste. That’s the theory, anyway. Maybe you have a different opinion, and that’s okay.

    for high quality spices, must of us have our preferred go-to shops. Some people like Penzeys, for example. Others may prefer Spice House. Some folks may swear by the McCormicks label at their local grocery, while others may love the imported farmers market stuff.

    in all the above scenarios, the expectation is that these preferred locations will charge a premium for their perceived better quality products

    but…. Sometimes you need to save a bit of money

    where are your go-to cheap spice shopping locations…. And does the cost savings for those less expensive products end up being noticeable in taste or flavor at all? What are the pros/cons of not spending the big bucks on jarred spices?

    Great question. I use Penzey’s a lot. Spicely or The Spice Hunter from the grocery. I tend to stay away from the big bulk stuff for the house as I do not go through it fast enough. With the exception of kosher salt.

    I find that the less expensive spices are not as robust in flavor. Maybe the less expensive stuff sits on the shelf longer?
    Last edited by SheilaAnn; November 27, 2021, 04:24 PM.


    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
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      Penzey's is great, a little $$$. We have enjoyed their seasoning.
      McCormick's is grand also too, for the backyard BBQ.

    Depends what spice, honestly. If I can get whole spices, I prefer that unless I go through things quickly. I buy most of my stuff in 'bulk' at the store near me because I can spoon out what I need so for ground spices & herbs, I can just get what think I'll use in time.

    For a few things, like dried onions etc I've hit up the local restaurant supply place for large containers.


      I have been happy with SpiceJungle.

      I've run low on paprika, so I wanted to buy at least one pound to tide myself over for a while. Amazon seems to only carry "Hungarian style" . I didn't notice the style at first, but that annoyed me once I noticed it, and clearly the reviews reflect it, as you can see folks indicating it is not very good.


        Love to grow and dry my own. If not I purchase at local store.


          I use Arrakis Spice Co. The Spice must flow.


            I like Spicehouse Flat Packs. Seems like they are pretty economical. For cheap I go to the local grocer biut I don't think they are that much cheaper. I say buy quality in small amounts so they stay fresh longer.


            I tend to git my better, fresher stuff from Penzey's, Savory Spice, an such...

            Store boughten? I do try to stay with Name Brands, such as Mc Cormicks's...

            Sometimes settle fer Store brand, if that's all what's available.

            One Monkey Don't Stop No Show, Y'all!
            Last edited by Mr. Bones; November 27, 2021, 04:51 PM.


              Getting back to the "cheap spice" question…

              what are thoughts on Big Lots, Dollar Store, Ollies, store generics, etc…. Vs the more expensive name brands we all know and love?


              • rickgregory
                rickgregory commented
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                I can't speak to those but the stuff at the Chefstore (lately cash and carry etc) is cheap but there's a lot of it (pint+ quantities) so I don't know it's cheaper unless you go through it fast before it fades. They sell 18oz bottles of McCormick spices for $7-12 so, cheap per ounce, but a lot of a single spice

              • rickgregory
                rickgregory commented
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                A thought... For larger bottles that are inexpensive on a per ounce basis, it might be worth it to vacseal and freeze some.

                Overall, though, spices aren't that expensive on a per meal basis and I'd just rather have good quality stuff vs saving literally 5-10 cents/meal.

              • Mr. Bones
                Mr. Bones commented
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                Cheap spices?

                Reckon they still work better, make a dish more savoury than no spices.

                Do what ya must, I have done so, an am still here, Thankfully.

                "'Variety's the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavour."

                William Cowper C.1785

                I find myself rather likin rickgregory 's idea of vac sealin some, tuckin it away, in th Deep
                Freeze, fer seldom used spices...kudos

                Agree on Quality, vs Quantity...

              I also like Spice House flat packs. Shipping is free, and I have plenty of bottles if they need to go in one.


                Great question that I’m glad you asked because I’ve been searching on where to start buying spices at. Lol. When I was in Texas and Nevada previous to that, I would buy all of my spices out of the bulk bins. Two reason, there are certain spices that I don’t routinely use, but needed for one or two specific recipes. I could buy just enough from the bulk so as not to waste the rest and have yet another bottle in my spice cabinet. On the flip side, I absolutely loved being able to buy large quantities of spices when making up rubs. I have previously made huge batches of BBBR or Memphis Dust which I would split up and share with friends. Here in Indy, I have not yet found a store that sells bulk spices which makes me sad.

                back to your question though, I haven’t really noticed a huge difference in the spices that I buy bulk/generic vs high end name brand. It is ENTIRELY possible that my pallet is not refined enough to notice. That said, if I am buying something like Saffron or Vanilla Bean, I spring for the good stuff.


                • Mr. Bones
                  Mr. Bones commented
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                  bulk bins are good, fer zackly th same reasons ya done stated, imce...cain't always find em, leastways hereabouts...(M)

                  Usedta could; now, it seems to be a Game...

                • RickyBobby
                  RickyBobby commented
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                  In Texas, HEB had them and in Nevada, WinCo had them. I miss both. Lol!

                • Mr. Bones
                  Mr. Bones commented
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                  Colour me Frustrated

                Put me down as another Spice House flat pack fan. I loaded up on about a half dozen new mixes when I went in yesterday. Perhaps the highlight of my visit to Chicago this past week.


                  I buy the stuff I go through a lot ar Costco. Their bulk stuff isn't much more expensive than grocery store small bottles.
                  And, purely anecdotal, but I think cheap spices produce inferior food.
                  Last edited by Murdy; November 28, 2021, 12:08 AM.


                    We are blessed to leave near a couple really large 'Farmer's Markets'. I put it in quotes because they are so large and semi-commercial as not resemble what I think of with that term. (DeKalb Farmer's Markets in ATL). But, wow - a huge selection of bulk spices for pennies compared to the grocery store. It's not an option for everyone, but if you're close, it's a great one. No joke - my wife counted 144 diff spices/blends in the cupboard, and probably 100 came from there. (Yes, she has a problem.)


                      I am lucky living here in central Ohio. We have an incredible local bulk food store here. It’s Walnut Creek Cheese. I probably go there once a month to get spices, grains, baking supplies, jams / jellies, cheeses, meats, etc. You name it they probably have it. I believe it’s high quality stuff and I know it has to be fresh because this place is always a mad house. They do have an online store and I do believe they offer free shipping after so much purchased.


                      • SheilaAnn
                        SheilaAnn commented
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                        I just read up a little about Walnut Creek. What a great concept! I even did some price cross-checking against Penzey’s. WCC is definitely easier on the pocketbook.


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