I've just finished reading Aaron Franklin's wonderful book, Franklin Barbecue. Here's one of two questions I have. (the second one is in another topic and has to do with brisket)
He spritzes meat (brisket, pork butts, sausages, etc. ) with water, applejuice, vinegar, etc. to wash off the fine ash that sits on top of it (for one reason). He says he often spritzes the meat to see the true color of the bark because the fine ash deposit can be misleading.
Sometimes, but seldom, honestly, I get a fine ash on the meat cooked in my PBC. I especially note it on sausages. Should I be rinsing that ash off with a spritz? I'm concerned more about flavor than about looks.
I thought my smoked hot Italian sausages tasted pretty good until I read his book and got "fine ash fear" !
P.S. I smoke on a Pit Barrel Cooker.
He spritzes meat (brisket, pork butts, sausages, etc. ) with water, applejuice, vinegar, etc. to wash off the fine ash that sits on top of it (for one reason). He says he often spritzes the meat to see the true color of the bark because the fine ash deposit can be misleading.
Sometimes, but seldom, honestly, I get a fine ash on the meat cooked in my PBC. I especially note it on sausages. Should I be rinsing that ash off with a spritz? I'm concerned more about flavor than about looks.
I thought my smoked hot Italian sausages tasted pretty good until I read his book and got "fine ash fear" !

P.S. I smoke on a Pit Barrel Cooker.