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Memphis Dust Goof--Need advice.

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    Memphis Dust Goof--Need advice.

    I just made another batch of Memphis Dust and realized that I put 1/4 cup of onion powder instead of 2 TB. Will I have an onion forward rub? Is it a potential happy accident? All the rest of the ingredients went in right. I have made this several times with great success and hope this wasn't a huge slip. Comments?

    Scale up the rest of the ingredients and have a year's supply!


    • rickgregory
      rickgregory commented
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      This is what I'd do. If that's way too much and you're worried about it going stale... do you have a vac sealer? If so, put some in a ziploc, seal that, then vacseal the ziploc (if you try to vacseal the powder directly I think it would get... messy)

    • smokin fool
      smokin fool commented
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      Yes like the time I confused Cayanne pepper for Paprika....that boo boo took a lotta scalin.

    Only one way to find out mate, remember necessity is the mother of invention.
    It might not taste like Memphis dust, but it might take on a whole lot of tastiness of it's own.


    • CaptainMike
      CaptainMike commented
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      And rename it "Onion Dust"!

    Yeah id try it once and see what you think. As others mentioned you can always scale the rest up and store.


      That’s only double the amount...double the rest of the ingredients and you’re good to go!


      • bbqLuv
        bbqLuv commented
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        too simple a solution. do the math.
        4 tbsp = 1/4 cup
        Last edited by bbqLuv; May 19, 2021, 04:14 PM.

      This why I am a member. Help is just around the corner. I had to look at a table to confirm what you were saying and now I think, what the hell, let's try it with 2 more TB onion powder. Along with time in smoke and this might be something. Can't thank you guys enough. I promise I will tell you the results.


      • Mr. Bones
        Mr. Bones commented
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        Glad yer Here, Brother!

        Good luck with yer experiment, please, do, let us know how it cooks out, Please!

      If ya wind up scaling all the ingredients to match the OP, you can freeze part to keep it fresh.


        I accidently did the same thing a while back and just doubled it like everyone has said. I ended up giving half to my bro-in-law and still had some leftover for next butt or rack so worked out just fine. I've also gone heavy handed with the onion powder in the past and havn't been disappointed so you're likely good with that route, too. cheers!


          Some very good advice, up in here...

          My take is: if anybody tryin to make anybody believe, fer even a brief, an fleetin moment, they've never goofed up, cookin , then, imce, one would haveta be a dang danged prevaricator, or ain't never tried cookin nuthin much, at all...

          Smoke On!!!


            If it was cayenne er somethin ya might wonder. But onion? Hey let us know what it tastes like.


              Taste a pinch and see how you like it with the extra onion. It might be fine.


                No reason to always stay between the lines . . . . . give it a whirl and let us know what you think.


                  A little late in posting post cook with my "goofed" Memphis Dust. Yes it was a little onion forward, but the pig responded, people were happy with the results. Thanks again folks.


                    Here's the recipe by weight:

                    Brown Sugar: 135 grams.
                    White Sugar: 150 grams.
                    Paprika: 66 grams
                    Garlic powder: 50 grams
                    Ground Black Pepper: 14 grams
                    Ginger powder: 10 grams
                    Onion Powder: 19 grams
                    Rosemary powder: 4 grams



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