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Shrimp Cocktail Sauce

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    Shrimp Cocktail Sauce

    Meathead I thought I saw a shrimp cocktail sauce recipe on AR. I must be mistaken because I could not find it. Does anyone have a cocktail sauce recipe they could share?

    1 cup Ketchup
    2 tbsp horse radish - less or more depending on your taste
    couple of dollops whorechester sauce
    lemon juice to taste
    Pepper and garlic powder to taste


    • IowaGirl
      IowaGirl commented
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      Don't know I've ever used "whorechester" sauce. I don't think my mama allowed it in the house.
      Do ya think Worcestershire sauce would be a good substitute?

    • Panhead John
      Panhead John commented
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      It’s more popular with the guys.

    • smokin fool
      smokin fool commented
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      IowaGirl yeah.... that one got me at three grade 3 spelling bee too.

    Agree with above receipt from smokin fool but Highly recommend :

    Add in splash(es) of Worsh Yer Sister Sauce, an Tabasco, to taste.

    Last edited by Mr. Bones; December 23, 2020, 07:16 AM.


    • Alabama Smoke
      Alabama Smoke commented
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      Washing the sister part is a little scary there Bones.......haha

    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
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      We’ uns had to haul well worter in, heat it up on th wood stove to take a bath, often 3-4 at a time.
      Ya git’s used to it.
      11 of us young’ ya worsh each other, quick-like, an git yer tiny, shiny arses outta th dang dang tub, so’s th next batch kin git in, an worshed down, afore th worter cools off, much...
      It was what it was, Bama...

      Alabama Smoke
      Last edited by Mr. Bones; December 25, 2020, 11:51 AM.

    I also use basically the same as above. I just use catsup, PREPARED Horseradish and fresh squeezed lemon juice. Make sure it’s Prepared Horseradish though, and not the creamy type that spreads like mayonnaise. Much more flavor in prepared. I’d start out with a cup of catsup and 2 tablespoon of the horseradish, then just add more horseradish till you can’t take it anymore. At least a tablespoon or so of lemon juice. This is easy to adjust to your own tastes.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Panhead John; December 23, 2020, 11:07 AM.


    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
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      Yup, it gotsta be prepared horseradish, not some kinda sauce thingy....

      Been eatin multiple heapin Tablespoons of FRESH prepared horseradish as a treat since afore I ever went to kiddie garden, still effaking LOVES me some, plus some mo...
      Last edited by Mr. Bones; December 23, 2020, 09:15 AM.

    • ssandy_561
      ssandy_561 commented
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      Mr. Bones me and my better half go through a 5 oz. jar about every two weeks. We love the stuff.

    I may have one that’s a "lil more involved" with fresh horseradish and such. I see if I can locate it. It may be lost.

    in another note. From childhood... does anyone remember the little shrimp cocktails you bought in the store? They were sold in the small hourglass like jar with the crimped on metal lid that popped when you opened it?

    anyone remember those and the brand? They were in a spicy red sauce.


    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
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      WTH are ya doin, all conscious, at this time of day???.

      Thought I taught ya to drink much mo bettah than that, now I feel like I’ve failed, let ya down,ese....

    Maybe this.... HouseHomey Click image for larger version  Name:	633D0D3D-E1BD-42A7-88DE-CFCD5492A4C7.png Views:	0 Size:	220.6 KB ID:	961157


    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
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      I remember em...(glarin lack of emoticon(s) )

    • ssandy_561
      ssandy_561 commented
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      We would use the jars once emptied as juice glasses or juice +1 glasses.

    I've been using ... and can highly recommend ... this modified version of an old Alton Brown classic for many years:
    • 1 (14 1/2-ounce) can diced tomatoes, drained
    • 1/2 cup chili sauce (we like Heinz) (145g)
    • 4 tablespoons good-quality prepared horseradish (65g)
    • 1 tsp sugar (5g)
    • Few grinds fresh black pepper
    • 1/2 tsp Morton’s kosher salt (4g)
    Mix drained tomatoes, chili sauce, horseradish, sugar, pepper, and salt and blend until smooth. Personally, I prefer to use an immersion blender, but a regular blender works just fine, too.

    (Feel free to tweak proportions, make substitutions, and/or add Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice, Tabasco, eye of newt, or whatever else tickles your fancy. )

    Refrigerate covered until ready to serve.
    Last edited by MBMorgan; December 25, 2020, 12:21 PM.


      smokin fool has a good one above.

      I have had some with KC style BBQ sauce replacing some or all of the ketchup. After all, red BBQ sauce is really just ketchup on steroids. I have also seen chili sauce in the blend as well as lemon juice, worchestershire, powdered garlic. Start with the recipe from smokin fool, taste, and then diddle with it if you want.


      • smokin fool
        smokin fool commented
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        Meathead Thank you, its always good getting praise form the big man.
        Merry Christmas

      I do what smokin fool does as well but instead of ketchup I use this as the base. It's already a prepared sauce but I amp it up with the other ingredients to suit my palette.


      • smokin fool
        smokin fool commented
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        Good point.
        I've also used they're Heinz Chili Sauce as a base but not knowing peoples tastes revert back to Ketchup in case guests can't handle heat and spice.

      Thanks everyone!
      It is nice to know people who know things!


        I would add a few shakes of Old Bay seasoning to the one posted by smokin fool


        • smokin fool
          smokin fool commented
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          That's the best thing about recipes like this, you can add, subtract or substitute.
          I've seen Old Bay but have never used it for any recipe
          I resolve in 2021 to get a tin and try it out.

        • MBMorgan
          MBMorgan commented
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          Old Bay sounds interesting. I think I'll slip it in as an optional ingredient the next time I make some sauce ... currently planned for New Year's Eve.

        I find MBMorgan ‘s to be interesting to try, cuz it does not contain the dreaded cat soup & is low on sugar or you could put a sugar substitute such as stevia or monk fruit.


        • MBMorgan
          MBMorgan commented
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          The sugar is only there to balance the acidity of the tomatoes. If you decide to give it a try, I'd suggest starting with about half the amount that I specify in the recipe ... then add more (a little at a time) until it's right for your taster.

        Here is one I make from time to time...

        1/2 cup ketchup (such as Heinz®)
        1 cup tomato-based chili sauce (such as Heinz®)
        1/4 cup prepared horseradish
        1/3 cup light brown sugar
        2 tablespoons lemon juice
        1/2 teaspoon hot pepper sauce (such as Frank's RedHot®)
        1/4 teaspoon garlic salt
        1/4 teaspoon onion powder

        Whisk the ketchup, chili sauce, horseradish, brown sugar, lemon juice, hot sauce, garlic salt, and onion powder together in a bowl until the sugar has dissolved; cover. Refrigerate at least 1 hour before serving.


          I'm admittedly biased, but I gotta tell ya, my Black Swan Sweet Cognac BBQ Sauce makes some great shrimp cocktail sauce. Just add horse radish and a squirt of lemon. Happy Holidays!


            Make sure you get some good prepared horseradish. I made some the other day using some Zatarans horseradish, and I was surprised at how soupy it was. Not much actual horseradish at all. I won’t use it again, I usually use Inglehoffer


            • Panhead John
              Panhead John commented
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              If you can find it, that Silver Spring Horseradish I posted above is really good also. Nice flavor and a great kick of heat! Not soupy at all. klflowers


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