This site is by far the best source of outdoor cooking info. on the internet. About a week ago I asked for some guidance on doing a couple of turkey legs on a smokey joe. I followed the advice to cook 2 zone using a rudimentary smokenator, ( actually just a shield of a few layers of tin foil held down by a few small stones. The wind was blowing pretty good. I used a few more coals than the original 10 lit on 10 unlit as I was having a hard time getting the temp up. Not a big problem, really. I followed the temp with my new Thermopop and took them off the grill at 161. OMG... tender, juicy and delicious. So here are the results below, including a shot or two of the SJ setup. Oh, I forgot to mention that I used a butter/onion powder/garlic powder/black pepper injection. I also slit the skin and gentley lifted it up to put a poultry seasoning under the skin and on the meat, then proceeded to use rub as normal on outside of drumsticks. Cook took about 1 hr. 25 mins. For some reason, the picture of the two drumsticks will not upload. It just keeps saying it is corrupted. Oh well...enjoy!