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1st Whole Chicken on the new Rec Tec Mini
I think your plan is great. Hot cook all the way 340-360 is my fave, but I've also done 380-400. Thighs may get up to 180+ with the breasts at 160-165...they'll still be mighty fine at that higher temp. USDA FSIS says you can eat the breast meat at 155 if it's stayed there for 1.3 minutes to kill the microbes. Talk about juicy breast meat!
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1st Whole Chicken on the new Rec Tec Mini
First try with a whole chicken on the mini today. Spatchcocked the bird and dry brined it for about 5 hours, I then rubbed it with olive oil and Simon and Garfunkel rub. Had never tried it, and now I'm glad I finally did. Very tasty.
Started it at 225 so the extreme smoke mode would stay on and get a bit of smoke on the bird. Ran it for 20 minutes to get some smoke on it and then bumped up to 365. Used BBQ'rs Delight pecan pellets. Had never tried pecan and I like it too!
The thighs registered 155 way before the breast meat was even close to being done, so I rotated the bird thinking it may help heat the breast meat a bit quicker. I think the breast may have still been a bit frozen and thus the delayed temp rise. Bird tasted delicious, but skin was a bit rubbery.
​Next time I think I'll dry brine overnight with salt and soda, and start out at 365 to try and get the skin crispier.
Here's the bird ready for cooking.
The extreme smoke mode seems to be working well!
Couple closeups.
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