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Buffalo Wings on SnS

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    Buffalo Wings on SnS

    Anybody done any wings with the SnS? Want to do some for the Husker game tomorrow. Any advice/recommendations on time, temps, etc. appreciated.

    I cook mine at about 325 F for about16 mins( 8 mins a side) Then I take them off and throw them onto the direct side. After you take them off the direct side. Throw them directly into your warm sauce when they are still sizzlin'. Toss in the sauce, remove and let the sauce set for a few mins. You wont be disappointed. They always come out awesome. This is a slight departure from Meatheads recipe but pretty damn close.


    I did a post on them a while back.I'll have to search the details, but I do my chicken higher, usually around the 340 zone. Seems like I let my wings go about half hour, until they look done (I like wings well done, no sliminess) no sear just hot air cook. I'll see if I can find the post.

    EDIT: I just checked my two past wings posts (One from Oct 2014, and one from this past April 2015) and yes, about 30 min w/o a sear. 325 is the recommended minimum, but like I said I like to go upward with skin-on chicken, 340 even 360 or 380, I don't worry much anywhere in that zone. Some of them will be sitting there shaking and boiling out juice. I like the meat well-well done, but I don't like the skin charred.

    This pic was back in April on the Slow 'N Sear

    I have more pics of this cook but I don't want to hijack your thread. Hopefully it can be full of your wing cook tomorrow!

    Click image for larger version

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    Last edited by Huskee; October 2, 2015, 11:26 AM.


    • Huskee
      Huskee commented
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      Dr ROK I used the hot and fast instructions, half chimney (or so) of well lit coals. No water. You could probably get by with 1/3 chimney in good weather. Just need enough to heat the grill up to 325+ then a half hour of power.

    • Dr ROK
      Dr ROK commented
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      Huskee Do you dry brine your wings?

    • Huskee
      Huskee commented
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      Dr ROK I did, lightly, since I planned to use buffalo sauce. You could probably skip it if you're going to use a potent sauce like buffalo. I'd only do a regular strength dry brine if you're eating them nekkid or using only a sweet sauce. That's just my two cents though, YMMV.

    Thanks Huskee Those look mighty tasty.


    • Huskee
      Huskee commented
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      You're welcome, and thank you! I should add that I start with them thawed. I've never started with frozen wings, surely that would affect timing considerably.

      Look forward to seeing yours!

    I did a batch of wings--only once--on GrillGrates (Weber Genesis gasser) and was quite happy with them. Alas, I didn't take notes, so no details. I will remedy that soon.

    @Huskee--I can't imagine starting with frozen wings, or frozen anything else. Is that common?


    • Dr ROK
      Dr ROK commented
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      Willy, I've done wings on the grill before, just never with the SnS. I'm new to the kettle with the SnS, so just trying to get some good advice before I jump in tomorrow. Thanks for the feedback! I've never started with frozen wings, but I've heard of many folks grilling frozen steaks & burgers.

    Willy same here as Dr ROK. I've started with frozen wings when deep frying, and I've used frozen burgers and such, but never grilled frozen wings. Might work fine might overcook the outside, I guess I don't really know.


      Good thread! I've done my wings using a Vortex, but can't wait to try the SnS method. I'll be checking back for this thread / instructions later.


      -- Ed


        Wings turned out FANTASTIC! Pics and process tomorrow!


          Here are a few shots of the final product. I rubbed/sprinkled MH Memphis Dust on them, put them on and let them on for about an hour and a half. I started with about half a chimney of "used" coals from my last cook topped with fresh coals and dumped it all in the SnS, put the grill and lid on (all vents wide open) for about ten minutes and then added wings. It jumped up to about 360 right away, so backed down the vents to about 1/2 open both top and bottom and it settled in around 340. Turned the wings every 15 minutes or so and also switched those closet to SnS to those furthest away about 45 minutes into it. Truth is the wings were probably done in about an hour, but that didn't coincide with half time.

          Next time I think I'll use all "fresh" charcoal instead of "used" coals as part of the heat source. It started dropping in temp and was eventually down to around 300 with the vents all wide open. I didn't worry about adding more since I wanted to wait till halftime to serve anyway.

          Wings starting out on grill.
          Click image for larger version

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          Wings about 40 minutes in. Click image for larger version

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          Wings getting sauced. Click image for larger version

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          Ready to be served. Click image for larger version

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          Plated for halftime festivities! Click image for larger version

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          And how can you have wings without Sriracha Deviled Eggs? Click image for larger version

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Size:	238.1 KB
ID:	114210

          Last edited by Dr ROK; October 4, 2015, 01:13 PM.


          • Papa Bob
            Papa Bob commented
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            DUDE!!!!!! can I come over?

          • ssandy_561
            ssandy_561 commented
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            I like spicy deviled eggs also but I like mixing freshly prepared horseradish into them along with the mayo and mustard

          Those wings look awesome. I cook the heck out of mine too


          • Dr ROK
            Dr ROK commented
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            The SnS sure makes it easy. I was a little worried about the ones closest to the reservoir since I didn't use water, but I don't think I really even needed to move them around. I think they'd have been just fine.

          • David Parrish
            David Parrish commented
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            Yeah agreed. My experience is there's no need to rotate food.

          Quick Question - do you turn the wings or just let them sit "as is" until they're done?


          -- Ed


            Originally posted by Medusa View Post
            Quick Question - do you turn the wings or just let them sit "as is" until they're done?


            -- Ed
            Either. Sometimes the tops will get a little darker due to the hot air above the grate.


            • Medusa
              Medusa commented
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            If you're using the slow N sear, you don't really need to turn them. That thing really evens out the temps.


              Yep agree with Dr Rok. No need to rotate.


                Have you guys ever thought about a SnS for a rectangular or regular chepo grill?



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