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Apple Fritters

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    Apple Fritters

    HWMO if out of here tomorrow for a 4 day "Training" trip to Gatlinburg. So, I am making Apple Fritters. 3 batches of Brioche Lite and 8 partially cooked, sugared spiced Granny Smith Apples ready to go. Brioche Lite taking it's first rise now, fritters should be done by about 1-2. I'll have pics when they are ready!

    I am WHOOPED! I also managed to burn the fritter out of the pad of my left ring finger. A safety tip, important burn tip, if you are burned, any kind of burn, put vinegar on it. For my fingertip, I used a custard cup and put a couple of tablespoons of vinegar so I could just soak the fingertip in it. because the burn was hot and deep, it was trying to blister. You will notice immediately, the pain backs off. a burn is awful because, like the meat we love, out own skin continues to cook itself with carryover, cooking and burning deeper layers. our meat browns because of a chem reaction called the Miallard reaction (science types, did I spell that right?) If you happen to see your burger trying to burn, put a bit of vinegar on it and it will slow the surface burn down, allowing the inside to cook while slowing surface burn.

    Anyway, I had to soak my fingertip for quite some time. t became that pruny thing you get after swimming or a long bath. I hear some folks have that reaction washing dishes. I wouldn't know ;-) Anyway, that much vinegar soaking in, finally made it as deep as the burn. I think I may avoid a blister, after all. at lest it isn't burning, anymore but it still smarts!

    this is great for cooks but, with summer coming on, it is even more of a big deal and family tip for sunburns. Sunburns are the result of over exposure to the skin of Beta radiation and Gamma radiation. it burns the surface of the skin, and then, holding the heat, radiates the heat further to lower layers of the skin. that is what causes the sunburn to still be hot and painful even after you are out of the sun. your skin is still cooking itself.

    My Grandmother Opal, who had a 3rd grade education, taught me this. probably didn't know why, but knew how to fix a burn and a sunburn. Probably had no idea why, just knew it worked. For a sunburn, dilute your vinegar 1:1 with water. use washcloths or hand towels, whatever size needed to cover the entire area that is burned. wet the towel or cloth and drape it onto the burn. hen the towel becomes warm to the touch, change to a second towel and keep going back and forth until the heat is gone. Since I learned this, I have never had a sunburn that bothered me longer than it took to do this, have never, ever, no matter how bad the day in the sun, blistered or peeled.

    Doesn't make it OK to be in the sun too long but makes the immediate pain a little less. I hope this makes your summers a little better!

    Meanwhile, I got a bit froggy with fritters! I ended up making 9 DOZEN apple fritters. there will be about 24 men at this training event. needless to say, we will be ding dong ditching fritters on the neighbors, tonight!

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