Karon Adams Consort of the Flame Cooking is a Sacred Endeavour
Big Poppa's Drum conversion
Maverick wireless meat & grill thermometers
Thermopen Instant Read Thermometer
Pit IQ blower
Hestia's Handmaiden (yeah, just HUSH!) baking tip of the now!
When using frozen fruit (or frozen anything, FTM) don't throw out that plastic bag until it is empty! I love using frozen fruit for baking. Somehow, the fresh never seems to make it into a pastry! but, at the end of that beautiful bag of frozen cherries, there is STILL so much cherry yumminess in the bag! (fan fare, please!!) take the sugar content of your baking item, pie, cake, cookies, whatever, and dump it in the bag. let it grab all that yummy, yummy juice. absolutely NO reason to throw that away! Either toss the juicy sugar into the pie filling or use it to sprinkle over the top crust after egg washing.
Hey, I'm a Scot, through and through. we don't throw things away when they still have something to offer!
Karon Adams Consort of the Flame Cooking is a Sacred Endeavour
Big Poppa's Drum conversion
Maverick wireless meat & grill thermometers
Thermopen Instant Read Thermometer
Pit IQ blower