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Rancho Gordo Haul

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    Rancho Gordo Haul

    From my friends store who carries RG beans...looking forward to the popcorn!

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ID:	989756

    Did I see a tri-tip in your future?


    • SheilaAnn
      SheilaAnn commented
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      For sure!



      I’ve never been able to find pinquitos! Have always wanted to try those with a Santa Maria tri tip!


        The popcorn is good. Small, very white kernels once popped


          You just inspired me to place an online order, my Rancho Gordo supply is getting low. I ordered each of those, plus a bunch more, except the frijol negro santanero. I didn’t see that one online. I did get some midnight black beans, which I love and get with every order.


            You're going to like that popcorn. There are never any unpopped kernels when I pop it old school. I like that.

            How convenient for you not to have to order online. Good for you!

            My recent haul :

            Lucky 2021 Black-Eyed Peas
            Hidatsa red (kidney bean wannabe with much better flavor and texture)
            King City Pinks
            Ayocote Negro (big and delicious)
            Cranberry Beans (my second fav of their beans. First is Marcella of course.)

            My plan is to use the large Ayocote Negro beans in Rancho Gorgo's North Indian Rajma recipe. That is one delicious dish.



            • Jim White
              Jim White commented
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              Oh my, just bookmarked that recipe. I have some chores to do, but will definitely put in a RG order later today.

            • ofelles
              ofelles commented
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              That recipe does good very good.

            • HouseHomey
              HouseHomey commented
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              Geeze man!! ("Man" not man)

            Amazing what a good search can find

            just found these, have some in my cart but might as well get free shipping. I have pinto, ayocote Negro, and pinquito so far. fzxdoc list looks like something I should just replicate to try the different varieties.

            Anything else I should give a try?


            • HouseHomey
              HouseHomey commented
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              The popcorn

            I was just browsing their site yesterday looking to make a purchase. I've always been a canned bean guy (with the exception of some occasional chickpeas), but been thinking recently that I should switch to some good quality beans and start eating them more. Will have to go back and finish filling my cart today and get on that.


            • ofelles
              ofelles commented
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              Do it, you will not go back to canned!

            • jumbo7676
              jumbo7676 commented
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              ofelles I hope so. I just ordered a whole lot of beans!

            Okay, I went with two garbanzos, two pintos, two ayocote negro, two black eyed peas and one cranberry. The pull of that buy $50 worth and get free shipping is strong!


            • jumbo7676
              jumbo7676 commented
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              Yeah, the shipping got me to splurge too. Got the desert island sampler (midnight black, alubia blanca, domingo rojo, classic cranberry, garbanzo), ayocote negro, mayocoba, pinquito, and some brown rice to eat them with.

            I think I just about bought one of everything available. Maybe not everything, but almost. Pinquito, ayocote negro, Pinto (to compare to the pinto beans grown locally here in New Mexico), Cranberry, King City Pink, Domingo Rojo - as well as black quinoa and some popcorn for my wife - as she is a popcorn lover!

            Thanks for the mention of these beans. Excited to give some of these a try, especially the Pinquito with a Santa Maria tri tip!


            • SheilaAnn
              SheilaAnn commented
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              barelfly this is my third round pinquinto. They are so good!

            Click image for larger version

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ID:	990401 I have my first ever Rancho Gordo beans cooking right now! Alubia Blanca for some Boston Baked Beans. Receiving the drippings of a Cajun butter injected spatchcocked chicken. It’s windy and cold outside, please forgive me my sins of not doing on the grill/smoker.

            Has anyone used other RG beans for baked beans other than Alubia Blanca?


            • Red Man
              Red Man commented
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              I’ve used yellow eye for baked beans, came out really good.

            • HouseHomey
              HouseHomey commented
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              That chicken looks amazing! How were the beans?

            • JakeT
              JakeT commented
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              HouseHomey the beans were perfect!

            Ordered some myself after reading about these enough times. Ayocote negro, pink, pinquito, pinto, and mayocoba. Now
            I see the free shipping for over $50, would have ordered more! Next time.


            • JakeT
              JakeT commented
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              Try emailing and adding to your order. I’ve had success before adding to the order and getting the shipping refunded.

            • HouseHomey
              HouseHomey commented
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              The Mayocoba are literally some of the best things I’ve ever made.

            I need to try these. I can get a few in the stores here so it's low effort.


            • PBCDad
              PBCDad commented
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              rickgregory which stores around here carry them? I'm interested in trying them as well, and if I can get them off the shelf that makes it a lot more likely to actually happen.

            • rickgregory
              rickgregory commented
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              PCC does. I've seen t hem on the shelf and in their Instacart store. Actually, I need to go there now so I'll snap a pic if they have them.

            Speaking of beans, this is the first time I've seen these in a store. Fresh cranberry beans.

            Click image for larger version

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ID:	990561



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